
Hello every body , can you tell me that what is anshik manglik in astroligy ? ?

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Hello every body, can you tell me that what is anshik manglik in astrology? I have mangal in 5th place in my horoscope, please tell, M I Manglig girl? What problem can come in my life because of this? I am in big tension for this question.




  1. Hello Dimple

    If the Mangal is placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of the janm kundli then it is called that there is a manglik dosh. In south india, mars in 2nd house is also considered as Manglik Dosh.

    But is you have mangal in 5th house then you are not manglik please.

    Mangal is not considered good, and first, Fourth, seventh, 8th house and 12 house are have their own implication and importance in life

    That's why mangal in these houses are not considered good please.

    It is assumed that if a person has crossed the age the 28, then mangal dosh get cancelled and there is various permutations and ccombinations for cancellation of getting manglik dosh canceled .

  2. generally the kuja dosha is being determined w.r.t. rasi/lagna chart &

      it is presumed  

    if such position is also seen in Navamsa it may considered so

    needs finality

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