
Hello everybody! I would like to know what are the prejudices about French? Thank you.?

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Hello everybody! I would like to know what are the prejudices about French? Thank you.?




  1. I heard the french stink and don't take a bath

  2. I have no prejudices against french people. Some of the things they eat I consider horrible such as Frogs legs & Snails, but apart from that I see nothing wrong with french people.

    Oh & btw I'm not an anglo saxon, I'm a Celt. Celts are fiercely proud, artistic & love to cook & we also have our own language, we also know how to show respect to people, as do our French counter parts. ( That rules me out of Goxy's little snipe at the British ) *lol*

    Good Luck hunni. X :-)

  3. Vee are better dan evree one else.   The only language is French.   If you don't speak French, ve vill not even look at you, much less talk to you.Everyone else is scum of the earth and beneath the toenails of the lowest of the french.  Our food is better, our women better, our toilets better.

       To you I stick up my nose.

    Now you have an idea.

       This conflict has been going on for ages in Europe between France and Britian, France and Spain, France and Italy, France and Germany.

    Only once has Britian and France fought side by side (kind of) and that was against Germany.  Otherwise it was always against each other.


  4. If what you are looking for are ethnic stereotypes towards the French, here are some;

    1.they are stuck up- French are somethimes seen as overeducated and snobish.

    2.they are cowards- this is attributed to the capitulation of France in WWII

    3.They are conceited about their language- the French are seen as wanting to speak only in French.

    4.French Women have hairy armpits

    5.French men wear striped shirts and berets and hold baggets under their arms.

    I do not believe in any of these stereotypes, but they are very widespread.

  5. Bias or prejudice? There is a difference.  Er- how are you going to use this feedback?

  6. All these prejudices are wrong !

    I know it because I'm french.

    1.they are stuck up- French are somethimes seen as overeducated and snobish. That's true in Paris ONLY

    2.they are cowards- this is attributed to the capitulation of France in WWII - WRONG We capitulized in 1940 because Germany was very strong. Don't forget we lost 100 000 men to try to stop Germans and during the WWI (1914-1918) we won the war after losing 1,400,000 men. So Please respect us.

    3.They are conceited about their language- the French are seen as wanting to speak only in French. WRONG We like to speak an other language if we know.

    4.French Women have hairy armpits. WRONG French women are very feminine and s**y

    5.French men wear striped shirts and berets and hold baggets under their arms. WRONG again !

    The image you have about france is false.

    France has changed so much since 1945 !

    We live in the 21st Century.

  7. Hello to you too!

    Apart from the negative prejudices held mainly by the Anglo-Saxons, I can assure you there are many positive ones such as:

    *The French are artistic and talented, resulting in Paris being the world's capital of Art,

    *Paris, as the city of lights and love is regarded as magic and unique, a place where any kind of modern miracle can happen,

    *French women are chic and classy, in fact they invented both of these elements essential to being a lady,

    *French men are great lovers,

    *French food is delicious and the dream of every chef in the world is to master its secrets and special elaborate ways of preparation, even the simple things such as French bread, cheese&wine are a blessing to connoisseurs,  

    *French wine, and not only champagne, is one of the best the world can offer,

    *The French are a role model to many other nations in their struggle to keep their language free from the English influence - and connected with the language issue: French is the language of diplomacy and as such seen more as refined and elegant than any other

    And there are probably more, but these are the main associations that come to mind when you say 'French' - art, class, fashion, l'amour toujours, fancy foods and city of lights...

  8. that  they eat inhumane foods

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