
Hello everybody...This is Girly Boy again, Are sleeping pills dangerous in any way?

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Every night I take 2 or 3 before bed and lie awake for another hour. If I don't take them then I'm up all night... What should I do?




  1. Yeah...they're super addictive. I think they take away your sense of discrimination and make you think you need them daily. They make you feel groggy and not nicely properly slept. We also used to hear about overdoses a lot.

    Please give them up and try natural Alternatives. I also have a sleep problem. This is what I find helps best:-

    HERBS- teas or tinctures but the warmth of tea helps: Mild herbs: chamomile, linden (lime flower) lavender. Stronger: Valerian, Passionflower, Skullcap, Hops. Strong Ayurvedic herbs: Jatamansi and Sarpagandha.

    Melatonin is a  harmless natural pill which helps even the worst sleeper and Jet lagger.

    Take kali phos homeopathic for nerves. Check other homeoathic.

    Learn and practice yoga and pranayam (deep breathing) Go to a class in it and read books. Tai chi is also good.

    Exercise, early morning outdoors.

    Feet in bucket hot water for15 min (before bed)

    Find out what is causing your mind to be over active. If you think it's worries and stress try counselling. Try reiki

    And the Bach flower remedy "White chestnut" harmlessly turns off thoughts. Yoga teaches us to control our minds with our intelligence. Good luck ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  2. I consume 8 downers, 2 grams of cronic and a few beers to sleep, when I wake up I slam a shot of tequila and take a few vicoden and perkeset mix. works great kid step up to the big league.  lol   im just kidding but you wont be keep depending on those pills

  3. Depends on what kind of sleeping pills. I would talk to your doctor if your having severe insomnia. Sometimes taking a bunch of over the counter is worse than taking something from behind the counter. Generally though, taking sleeping pills isn't harmful to your health as long as you need them. But I would suggest talking to your doctor if you haven't already. It's not fun not being able to sleep and they will probably be able to prescribe something stronger that will work quicker. :) Good luck!

  4. I used to have the same problem when my husband was deployed and my husband did too when he got back. I don't like any otc or prescription medicine. So we tried some herbal remedies. We went to and ordered some chamomille, and herbal sleep. They also carry nutri-calm. All three are awsome. If you have any questions you can also do the contact me on the page the owner is very nice and even has her cell phone number on there so you can contact her at any time. She is a trained herbalist.

  5. (i am not a physician and this is not a diagnosis and the suggestion is only that, it should not in anyway direct you one way or another) Okay as far as sleeping pills go, they may cause problems down the road when taken for an extensive amount of time.  A brief discussion about the human body, your body produces a hormone called melatonin.  This hormone coridinates your circidian rythym (sleep cycle), this hormone can also be purchased as a supplement and can help give the person more control of their sleep cycle.  However, it has been noted that this supplement has been known to cause nightmares; studies that i have read on the internet recomend 1-1.5 mg per day.  (hope this helps, sorry if there are any misspellings, im really tired)

  6. At your age all pills are dangerous.  Talk to the quack, and find out what the problem is. 2 to 3 before bed is an addiction, and will only get worse with time.


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