
Hello everyone Grandma needs help!?

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Ok i have 2 grandsons aged 22months and 6months old,they both live with me and their mothers,while waiting on accomodation. My eldest grandson keeps on hitting out at the younger one,yes it is jellousy,and the terrible twos seeping in.My eldest granson is so bright and forward for his age,he knows this is wrong but seems to lash out every chance he can.Keeping a eye on both of them is hard work, and its causing a little upset with the mothers and myself anyone have any ideas how to resolve this,he goes to a nursery twice a weekand is very settled what can we do thank you




  1. He needs to be told that hitting his brother will not be tolerated and needs disciplined if he doesn't listen. Does he like going to the nursery? Maybe tell him he can't go anymore until he stops hitting his brother?

  2. ooooooo i HATE terrible twos ive seen in 3 times i dont soon to be 4 god it happens all the time i cant stand it seperate them

  3. This is normal and what a discrace to burden you with this. The parents should have presented themselves homeless at the local authority who have a duty to house them.

    Get shot of them now.

  4. make a fuss of the oldest one - take him out a few times on your own - make him feel special and ask him how to help

    with the younger one - if he's bright he will catch on and enjoy it.

    also a reward chart. get stickers stars anything.

    make a colourful chart - tell him every morning after breakfast he will get a star if he's been good the day before - not an angel - just good - maybe just start with not hitting his cousin.

    set a target  -ie 7 stars gets him a small toy - 14 something

    bigger  and work up to 28 stars for something he would love. at no time give him one if

    he hits the other one - but do not discuss it until the same time

    each day. keep calm but firm .and keep your promises.

    as there is no problem at nursery - its prob a jealousy or confusion thing. try not to fuss over the little one too much infront of him - you can do this when he's at nursery.

    good luck

  5. the more the adults get upset by this situation the more his behaviour is reinforced as he sees people being loud and angry. you all need to sit down and come up with a plan together to get him through this stage.  as the other baby gets older and begins to do new things / receive praise, your eldest grandson (who is used to being the centre of attention)  will feel more jealous if he gets constant rows. i know it will be upsetting the young ones mum, but  try to discipline him by telling him what he has done wrong in a calm tone of voice and give him a 2 minute time out eveytime he does it. make a fuss of him when he is well behaved and see the difference it makes

  6. its difficult but maybe arrange an activity each week that they have to do together and on another day seperatley? that way they can have their 'own' time with you or their mum to themselves yet also see the benefits of quality time as a family. do something fun that the 2 year old hasnt experienced before with the baby so he can associate the baby with good things rather than missing out on the attention that the smaller child obviously needs...also im not suggesting you spoil him but give a little gift now and then and tell him 'the baby chose it for you' hope those ideas help its an awful position to be in

  7. Try seperating them or put the eldest on punishment. When my nephews do that she makes them both stand in a corner itill they apologize to each other.

    Hope this is helpful.

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