
Hello everyone. I am a single prof. Mom of 6 yr old little girl. looking for playmates (for daughter:-)?

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I live in a somewhat diverse but not intergrated neighborhood. (Moving is not an option) I am an African American and would welcome friends of any race for my daughter to play. On my daughter's school bus... she is the only African American (There is one Asian child as well) all others are Indian... these are very close knit people and they are not open to outsiders-- even children. I stand at the bus stop with my suit ready for work, I speak and smile--- have even offered coffee. Sometimes I don't even get a good morning in return. It's ok for me but daughter is very outgoing and personable, she smiles and laughs and skips anyway. The weekends are hard because she has no playmates in the neighborhood her age. Does any one know of/ or would be interested in finding more about playgroup/ play date for 6 yr old girl? Only sincere respondants please.




  1. What about kids from her class? Invite them over to play. You could also try getting her into a sport or extra curricular activity. That helped my 6yr old daughter. Just a few ideas. Good luck.

  2. You could sign her up for a Girl Scout troop or sport team.  Softball/t-ball will be starting soon.

  3. Check out the YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Club or any other youth organization.  

    Most churches nowadays have youth groups that meet once a week.   It's usually a weeknight but if you become friendly with the parents then you can arrange playdates.

  4. Sports are a good way. You could try to going to more school events and try to connect with parents.

    Mcdonald's usually have a playland. Maybe take her there. There are usually alot of kids there to play with.

    Kids really don't start getting friends to come from school until they are 10-11. My 9 year old is really shy. I tell her to invite her friends over but she is really quiet. I have talk to other Moms and they told me they noticed there kids around 10-11 starting having kids over. That is the same age my older one started having friends come over.

    Go to the parks. You play outside with her. Maybe have some sidewalk chalk or anything you can share. Alot of kids don't go outside like we did when we where little. Maybe there are some kids that you just don't see. It might encourage them to come out.

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