
Hello everyone...if you donate blood and the blood comes out really fast does it signify any health condition?

by  |  earlier

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I was donating blood and I came out before 3 people that were before me...even the nurse told me that my blood was commin out pretty fast...kindah worried reals




  1. No, the nurse most likely hit a good vein with a nice big needle and it came out strong. Now, if the blood didn't stop after they took the needle out, that may signify something, but that's why they take the first little sample.

  2. rapid flow of blood when donating doesn't signify any specific health condition,positive or negative. It doesn't mean you have a strong heart and it doesn't mean you have a weak one either. It likely means you have good veins and as a result the phlebotomist could use a nice big high flow catheter on you, also how high your arm was above the bag can influence flow rates.

    As someone else said, I want to personally thank you for donating. I have had to be the recipient of 4 bags of platelets over the last 1.5 years due to marrow suppression from chemo.your time and effort are greatly appreciated.

  3. Nope.  Just means you have a healthy heart and nice full veins and they got a good one.  And that you have more time to enjoy the juice and cookies.  

    Thanks for donating blood!  You rock!

  4. don't worry, usually this means you are fit and the fact that you are okay. If you had a disorder, then it would take longer.

    hope this helps^_^

  5. No- probably a clumsy nurse who used the needle- sounds like she was embarrassed with her own work to say that!

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