
Hello friends how to tackle the critical situation?

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Hello friends how to tackle the critical situation?




  1. always accept critical situation so that it does not become a problem in u r future life

  2. think first before saying something or else you might regret it...

    remember, when in doubt, don't.

  3. be strong and have definite decisions

  4. What is the situation?

  5. its so simple, just move out of that critical situated place.

  6. dont do anything seriously thats it

  7. Run away from the point of tention!!!!!

  8. cool down and trust your instincts

  9. it's fouth and 20 and you have to make sure your tackles are set properly.  Perhaps?

  10. think  it  as  a  easy one

  11. Just Sleep With Bousing

  12. Jot down every detail about the situation.  Try to understand the arguments in favour of the various points. Try to find out the various solutions and choose the best one. Discuss with the parties and try  understand their positions.   Find an amicable solution.

  13. Face forward and don't let go.

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