
Hello guys, I just want to know whats life in dubai, why my husband wouldnt want us to live there w/my 2 kids.

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My husband employed in dubai gov't. and we are allowed to live there using husband Visa, but my husband doesnt want us to go there bec. of conflicated life there. I just want to know whats filipino family life in dubai? My kids are 4 y.o and 3 y.o. Pls. guys I really need your help. I am always get mad to my husband when I request to go there.




  1. I went there once when I was in the navy. I saw a lot of Asian people there actually. I couldn't really tell you what it would be like to live there, but it was fun while I was there. It's very modern. There is no drinking alcohol in public or being intoxicated in public. The people were nice there. It's extremely hot.

  2. i don't see why he doesn't allow you to join him there. what could there be that would matter more to him than having his sife and kids by his side? dubai is not a backward country. aside from the heat, there's nothing that should stop him from making you live there unless.....

  3. Sounds like he's up to no good personally. Maybe he has a mistress he doesn't want you to know about.

  4. It's an amazing place but there are several things that could prevent people from having interest in life there. One issue is that the country is surrounded by, what many of us would call, "third-world countries." Some of these countries have extremist groups that could lead to violence. Another issue is Dubai's future.  Dubai has an oil-fueled economy...but oil doesn't last forever.  Once the oil runs out, the economy will have to depend on other things like tourism, which most likely will not fuel the economy, excuse the pun, like oil does.

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