
Hello i'm trying to identify the vaccinations required for work in the healthcare environment. ?

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Hello i'm trying to identify the vaccinations required for work in the healthcare environment. ?




  1. you'll probably need a TB test and also vaccines for Hepatius B and C

  2. Hepatitis B




  3. If you've had your childhood vaccinations, then what's left is only your vaccination against hepatitis B. Any other specialized vaccination  depends on the health care  environment that you work in.

  4. Hepatitis.

  5. It depends what kind of healthcare environment - that is are you going to be in a hospital in a third world country (in which case you would need vaccinations against specific diseases) or in the US or Europe?

    In general in the US healthcare providers:

    1 are up to date on all childhood vaccinations including polio and measles

    2 tetanus - get every 10 years

    3 an annual PPD which is a screening test that looks for TB

    4 an annual flu shot

    5 Hep A

    6 Hep B

    7 Meningitis (especially if working with a younger population).

  6. I would think tetanus and hepititis.

  7. They will usually run titers to see if you still have immunity towards things you were vaccinated for when you were a child, and then give you boosters if you need them.  I had to have hepatitis shots, and two TB shots

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