
Hello i just built a stand and was wondering if it would support 2 55 galls?

by  |  earlier

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I screwed the stand to 5 4x4 boards in the front but in the back i screwed it into the wall without adding pillars. the nails r 3 inches long and the weight will be distributed. here is a picture of what i mean. [IMG]




  1. think of a table with two legs in the front and you holding the table up in the back.  Before you know it you'll get tired (like the 3 inch nails) and drop the table.

    this is a design just asking for failure.

  2. water is 8lbs a gallon thats a lot of weight for the screws

  3. We are assuming you mean 255 gallons, as opposed to the way it reads separated.

       8.3 pounds per gallon actually = 2,116.5 pounds, just for the water. I think I'd be as concerned about the floor holding the weight, as much as the wall... BUT certainly the TABLE should be more adequately supported all the way around.

       What you mean is clear to understand without a picture, but I suspect you should prepare for the worst, using this idea.

       EVEN if you mean TWO   55 gal. aquariums you're still talking about 465.5 pounds of water alone.

    Steven Wolf

    Just my two "sense"

       Beyond that I probably would have used carriage bolts and framed the table as if it was a deck.

  4. Put a couple lag screws in to be safe.......I didn't look at the picture but your looking at 1/2 ton with stand so be safe for know how they like to play.

  5. 900 lbs of water? i wouldnt trust the nails in the back. add a couple of legs.

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