
Hello i turned 18 on 15.12 and ive got an account with abbey but want a debit card but they declined me why?

by  |  earlier

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layla at




  1. a debit card is connect to your bank account -- so i do not understand why they would turn you down -- go (don't call) to the bank manager and ask him!!!

  2. There are 3 kinda of credit

    Good Credit - you pay things off and on time

    Bad Credit - you don't pay or always pay late

    No Credit - you lack a history.

    No credit is almost as bad as bad credit. Your credit rating is 0.

    You need to take steps to establish credit somewhere. Make sure to pay them off on time and completely and you can have anything within your means.

    Or, another reason could be you are not working. Some institutions require you to have an income to issue any kind of cards.

    Any time you are turned down for a Debit or credit card they have to tell you why. So ask them.

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