
Hello iam suffering from mental prolems plz help me?

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i am 15 years old i think first time i tried weed at my late 14s.

than i been smoking like 3-7 times a month.Every thing was fine until i bought some really good weed or either laced.I smoked it like 2 times and it was fine but when i smoked my 3rd time(same bag) i felt crazy i thought i was gonna faint and i had really bad panic attack.

thnan the next day

I felt like i was leaving my body and everything seemed unreal. i researched and i think i had depersanalization it happend like 3 more times.than i was fine but the real trouble start happening when i smoked a cigar (black and mild) with my friend. while i was smoking i was thinking about depersanalization that i had and all of sudden i started feeling lighheaded and like my head was in a fog and everything was unreal since than its been like 4 weeks it never goes away it comes down and than it gets more intense it gets hard to concentrate hard to put a sentence together and my movement seems strange i just dont feel like my self my emotions seem dead but there is thing that i dont get when i dont think about it its not there like iam not aware of it but if i think about it BOOOM i am back in it the second i thought about it.(i think its desearelization) sorry for spelling. ok now the thing about scizophrenia my nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

first when i started searching about my problems i found schizophrenia

i read the symptoms (the ******* voices the unreality and all that!!!!!!)

since than i keep self diagnosing my self i keep trying to believe that i hear voices and that i am schizo!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok lol there is another problem i have sinus infection!!!

my parents keep telling me that all my problems are becaus of it

and i have a bumb on my right side next to my nose and its dried out mucus its pretty big(gross)

one of them came out from my left side its like 1cm lomg and half of cm wide its kinda gray and its kinda hard inside but like jelly on outside also it had a dark space on it it was gros.

but i think the same thing is on my right side of nose.

so the problem is

i cant snap out of this unreal detached feeling it comes down but that it gets more intense

i keep self diagnosing my self wit shizo and believing tht i hear voices

my thoughts are messed up sometimes i get strange thoughts like for instance i was looking for new game realeases on a website an all of sudden the feeling comes in like no u dont like video games(but its not a voice) u dont enjoy video games but it goes away in about 20 secs.

plz help me i just want to live normal live its a horro when u wake up in the morning and the first thing u think about is how u feel do i feel better i keep checking in than this feeling keeps rising and risiing!!!

its hard to talk and put the words together my emotins are dead and some times i feel pressure in my head

also non of my parents had ny mental illness so its not genetic

the main fear is schizo i can even smell that horrible illnes because its always on my mind

plz help is there some natural ways to snap out of this dream world and get back to reality plz help!!!

thanks alot

i stopt smoking since it started




  1. schizophrenia is not genetic anyways,

    these feelings could have been from the weed, and since you got paranoid and looked it up, you started believing you had what the symptoms came up with, then when you got high and thought about it, it made it all come back.. (i have been there and done that)

    sinus infection can make you feel lightheaded and away, but it takes a pretty bad one.

    i still have some of the same feelings you have, some thoughts telling me to do something, even though i know it is stupid to do it.  i just ignore them, sometimes i have the fear that i will forget where i am going, sometimes for an instant i do forget where i am going, when my son was small, i would be driving down the road and think that i forgot him somewhere, and of course i never did,

    to me, these thoughts are not a problem, but then again i do not dwell on them..  i know if i dwell on them then it will just make them worse and make me feel worse, although sometimes that doesn't work.

    ask your parents if they will take you to see a psychologist, they might be able to help, or if your family cannot afford it, talk to the guidance counselor at school and see if they can help...  

  2. i tried weed when i was younger and i also felt what you just described it went away after a few months of not using it , i think is just your brain cells burning away but i could be wrong .  

  3. go to the doctor!!!!!!!!!!

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