Question: CCS in yahoo360 disappeared.I had this before in my "entyr your blog".I dont know how do I get?

by  |  earlier

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In my yahoo.360,I had the CSS above my "compose entry blog"page.but since 2 days ago,this toolbar disappeared. I am confused and I dont know how do I get css.please help me.




  1. I think you mean the main menu that's on almost every 360 page.

    Please clear your browser's cache and cookies. Before clearing cookies, make sure you know your passwords to sites.


    In Internet Explorer, see

    In Firefox, click the "Clear Cache Now" button under Tools > Options > Privacy > Cache.

    In Safari, under the Safari menu is an option to Empty Cache; select this.


    In Firefox, do this under Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies > Clear Cookies Now

    In Internet Explorer, do this under Tools > Internet Options > General > Browsing History > Delete > Delete Cookies > Yes

    In Safari, select Preferences from the Safari menu and click Security. Click Show Cookies, then click the option to Remove cookies.

    Then, restart your computer.

    Lastly, you can try using a different browser like Mozilla Firefox ( ).

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