
Hello my fellow Patriot fans both new and OLD SCHOOL. Are you all geared up for another year of negativity

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from the whole NFL? Thursday night our quest for redemption begins. Stay true! Your thoughts? Posted by a New England football fan since 1975.




  1. let people hate, not a big deal. it's not like they're actually hating on the fans, they're hating on the team/players so its not a big deal.

  2. since 1975 eh...who was the last Patriot to be inducted in the HOF?  You sound like an honest fan, but let me tell you I didnt know Patriot fans existed till recently, yet they all disappeared after the superbowl.  

  3. They get what they deserve. Darn cheaters. Using PUP players in practice now? Drug addicts for O-lineman. Juicer for a Saftey.(Harrison, also called out by coaches and players for being the dirtest player in the NFL)

  4. the teams that are calling the patriots cheaters are sick of their teams sucking.

    the thing is that if the vikings or the broncos tryed out spygate they would still suck.  The pats won 17 games last season without spygate.  

    AND the pats probly wont do to good this year

    they lost so many players

    go lions

  5. I cant wait to watch them thidseason and I hope they fail miserabley hahahah. Sorry bud but when you cheat you're bound to make a lot of people hate you  espically when you hardly get punished for it and the game they were found cheating in was counted as a win. Also it dosen't look to good when you're coach walks off the field before the games ended just because you lost kinda makes you're team look kinda bad.

  6. (crickets chirping)

  7. Yes 19-0!! They will be super bowl champs this year. They'll kick Raven's @$$ on Thursday night! Go Patriots!

  8. Why don't the people just let spygate go. It's over with and its in the past now.  

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