
Hello! my my mom is travelling to india from san fransisco next month by cathe pacific airline.?

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she is travelling alone,i have taken wheel chair support for her.this is her first time international plane travel so she is scared to go alone.can u tell me how this wheel chair assitance work? i mean once we reach airport,when will wheel chair person come & will he assist my mom at security checking,do they have separate checking for wheel chair people? she has a break journey at hongkong.can some one give me details about wheel chair assistance .i want someone to be with her at security check,immigration,baggage etc.pls help




  1. if you already requested the airline for a wheel chair assistance for your mother, then she will be fine :) people will meet your mother on all connecting flights and will assist her in every way they can.

  2. uhmm the good news here is that ur mom will fly with CATHAY pacific which is among the world's best airlines.. cant really hope a lot from the airports, so the best thing you can do now is call Cathay Pacific's customer care to arrange that special wheel chair assistance, especially at Hong Kong airport, its a huge airport!! I believe an airline that has good reputation like cathay will willingly help your mom

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