
Hello please look below 4 information?

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hello right does any 1 on here work 4 gner leeds train station and if yes can some 1 please get me an iss cleaner a t-key ordered because i need 1




  1. If a T-Key is anything like LUL's J-key. This should be a key to unlock the driver's door.

    I dont think that Cleaners should have this key, however i do see cleaners accessing the cab in the morning's to clean the cab down.

    If you had common sence you would go into work early and see your manager or line manager.

  2. If you need a T Key, approach your line manager for one. Unless you are not supposed to have one? Remember security at all times!.

  3. What?

  4. If and thats a big IF, you need a T-Key, you would have been provided with one already. If you need one to carry out your duties and they haven't supplied you with one then you haven't got the right tools to do your job and you have a relevant grievance against your manager. My guess is though that you want one just for the sake of having one, in which case, you're pretty sad.

  5. If you needed one in order to do your job, then you would have been issued with one. Either you want it for mischievous purposes or you had one and lost it, and don't want to own up to it. Either way, I doubt anyone (not "any 1") on here would be stupid enough to jeopardise their job for the sake of cutting corners.

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