
Hello teachers...?

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i am considering a career as a teacher and i just wanted to hear some first hand opinions

what age groups do you work with? how did you get into teaching? is it satisfying? why? etc

over to you

thanks xx




  1. they're probably all too busy marking tests or preparing lessons to answer

    it's the best job in the world and it's the worst job in the world, it depends on you, what you want and where you are

  2. Make sure you pick an age group that can respect you, and that you can tolerate.

    I personally knew it would be difficult for me to teach elem because the students need a lot of individual attn.

    I love teaching content especially by lecturing, and that isn't suited for a younger crowd.   Even though I am certified to teach 7-12 grade; I love teaching 11th and 12th grades because I like the challenges that are associated with that group.

    Every age group has their issues...for example middle school and junior high are going through some very hormonal times and it takes a while for them to find a niche.  They often go from extreme to extreme in nano seconds.  

    High school students are driven by learning lessons associated with becoming independent, and this can be very difficult for young teachers to establish authority in the classroom.  Remember you are there to teach and be a role model, but it's a hard lesson to learn about establishing authority NOT's a fine line because the students still need to respect you.

  3. Hello Pink-angle-pie Hello you would have to go to college four about four years term then you will have to study everything that the student's would have tough them. Think about all the classes that you took from elemanty school to middles school to high school. If that is what you want go for it. have the student's teach the class. I like History. james P

  4. I chose to teach because, of all the "worlds" I knew at the time, the world of education, especially higher education, seemed the most interesting and suited to my talents.

    Work satisfaction comes from doing a good job and from getting paid to do what you love to do. Teaching is similar to parenting.

    The biggest potential problem is that you will get into a bad educational environment. This happened to me. Near the start of my career, the principal a Jr. High School, a former shop teacher, told ME, how to teach my subjects, English and German. I solved this problem by quitting and learning enough anthropology to teach at the university level, where teachers control what is taught and how.

    A lesser problem is that teachers are not well-paid.
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