
Hello there, I need help?

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Whenever Im running for about 6-9 minutes my sinuses start acting up. My nose becomes really runny, and I start sniffing back a lot, and it just makes running twenty minutes really arduous. Is there someone out there who has experienced this? It really hinders my running and sometimes I just feel like stopping eventhough I know I can keep running longer.




  1. it happens to me sometimes...suck it up.

  2. You should check with your doctor about your allergies and then trace your pathway and check for anything your allergic too that may be the problem if not you should try zrytec it really helps me.

  3. allergies maybe try some allergy medicine, benadril, or ask your doctor

  4. I used to get that alot when I started freshman year, it ain't allergies, at least it isn't by what I know. I would, after a good ten minutes of solid running, start drippin' snot like there was no tomorrow. I carried a rag; it was embarassing, but I told 'em it was sweat, haarhaarhar.

    It doesn't happen anymore. It's because your body and sinuses aren't used to such strain from breathing so hard through your nose. Maybe you're naturally a mouth-breather? Try using the nose more often and take deep breaths. Do this a lot and you will adjust.  

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