
Hello well is it true that hermint crabs are boring?

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should i get one i herd you can teach them tricks do you think they are a waist of money please answer before i do something im gunnag regret lol.. please




  1. hermit crabs are great pets! you can put them in hamsterballs and let them roll around the room or let them out to play they are more active at night though but they are so cool!

  2. well it depends you can paint on there shells and make them look interesting but they dont do much

  3. ya i had 2 and they died like 2 months later

  4. hermit crabs, can be boring sometimes. the hide during the day, and they are active at night when you are asleep.

    if you want a pet, they aren't really a waste of money.

    i don't know about the tricks thing, how can you teach a crab tricks?

  5. They really just kind of.....sit there.

  6. Basically, they do nothing, and a c**p is a crustacean not a reptile.

  7. I dont think that they are a waste of money but if your looking for a very active pet these may not be for you.  they are active but they are mostly active at night when you are asleep.  you can take them out of the tank and let them crawl on you but ive never heard of hermit crab tricks.

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