
Hello! what do you think of my horse?

by  |  earlier

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She is 16 years old, mare, and her name is now Tori!!!

I'm starting to train her for hunter jumping.

trying to get more weight on her, she is a bit skinny.


just bought her this week!

im so happy!




  1. Good for You!!   Your horse looks nice and does not look skinny at all.  Looks like you will have lots of fun with Tori.  She might even be a great trail horse too.

  2. Needs work. mussel tone mainly depending where u, are to get her coat growing shorter and healther i would put a light weight rug on her. also why is it more and more common that ppl send pics in of there horses stading on dirt and not in a paddock where they can graze like horses need to.

    I hope you have grass land and a bigger area to put her in because thats far to small. not my type of horse and the fly mask really annoys me.

    You asked for our opinion and i gave it im just sick of seeing you questions up on the same matter.

  3. note: this is the 5th time (at least) this week you asked this question about this horse.

    i'm happy that you got a horse. i'm excited for you, but i'm not sure i can add anything else on to the other answers ive given.

    "new" added on opinion:

    it looks okay.

    1. her front legs look narrow at the base (but the way she is standing it's not a conformation shot so that could be that)

    2.short crop/back end lines. and the tail needs work too (suggest washing it once a week and braiding/vet wrapping it, change that every other day, brush out the tail and keep it up to help grow it out better)

    3. i cant tell you about her face. . .b/c i cant see it. (that does bugg me alittle)

    4 her nares look slightly smaller, and that's not really a major issue, but horses can only breathe thru their nares, and it cuts down on o2 intake and could lead to the horse getting tired faster.

    5."hallow back" not really a sway back but she has that "hallow" spot behind her withers, make sure that doesnt affect/effect the way the saddle fits her.

    6.okay coat, i suggest brushing and maybe using a natural suppliment. . . i used one for my horse and he dappled out, not saying that's the case for every horse, but some help the horse look and move better (talking more for their joints)

    7. the shoulder looks okay... alittle too strieght up and down. . . does she have a short choppy gait? (i'm guessing she does but that's just cause what i'm seeing and havent rode the horse).

    8. how much weight do you want to put on? she doesnt look that bad, just keep her weight up once you start training her. . .

    she isnt a bad looking horse, and looks like you two can learn from each other and have fun.  but that's what i think about your horse. (btw, none of those shots for me were good confromation shots. . . so i cant really give you a better opinion on the horse in question)

  4. She looks very cute!  I wish that she didn't have her flymask on--we can't see her face.  With a little trim, mane pulling, and weight, she'd be gorgeous : ).

  5. i think shes gorgeous and she doesnt look skinny from wat i could see

  6. awww, she isnt that skinny but she will look gorgeous once you start to build her muscle up and like you said put abit more weight on her!! she looks really cute and calm i bet you wil have loads of fun with her!! i think shes gorgeous you will go far with her!! good luck :)

  7. With some weight gain and some work to build her muscles up, she looks to be a great horse. She seems well put together. Good luck with her.

  8. She's really pretty. Im sure when she's bigger and has more muscle tone she'll be unstoppable at whatever yall decide to do. =D

  9. One word... Gorgeous!

    Could you give us some new photos, though? I've seen these pics a bunch of time b4, maybe some with her fly mask off. But she is still a looker! And she will be stunning when she gets some more muscle tone on her!

  10. Still cute..... :)


    but she is nice

  12. Hello,

    Tori is still a keeper, seems to have her photos on here several times a week!

    AT least give us some new ones!  GLAD you are bonding with her!  SHE has that NICE stocky build I LOVE!

    She is a keeper!!!!!

  13. You've asked this question liek 3 times today.

    Your horse is very beautiful, her build is great, I think with a bit more weight, she'd be grand.

  14. She looks really sweet but she has really really (actually i cant describe how bad!) conformation.

    Her shoulder is really really strait, and the croup is short, with a tail set too high.  those things will make riding her like riding a jack hammer.

    I dont really like her neck it kind of looks like it is dipped down on the top and fat on the bottom o_o

    her legs dont look really straight either.

    She is ridable but she is not hunter/jumper built.  If you really want to start hunter/jumper maybe sell her to a nice 4-h home.  MAKE SURE IT IS A NICE HOME.  i will warn you that people that buy a horse from you can lie and tell you they are nice but they really want to sell her to slaughter or something horrible like that.

  15. AWESOME!! good luck to u and a hint on the weight gain....GIVER MOON PIES!!! My friends old horse was named chubby cause he loved to eatem. Just dont give too much! Congrats!!

    O yeah and shes gorgeous!!!!

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