
Hello what is your IQ ?

by  |  earlier

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mines a secret, cant attract mensa




  1. I ride the medium bus!

  2. 153 last test I took

  3. Some of the dumbest people I know are smart. What does that prove? I am sure I'm up there, but the older I get the more I forget.  I know I was smartest at 16, had all the answers, but found out I didn't have a clue about the questions! LOL.

  4. no clue

  5. 120.. just an average person

  6. Higher than George Bush... Me > 125

  7. -2

  8. um like 120

  9. 180, Cattell Verbal Index is 226...really.

  10. haha!  i dont even wanna know!

    probably low lol

  11. 46128571289571209672 ohhh yess! :)

  12. 145. i honestly don't really think an IQ test is really accurate when testing ones intellegence though..


  13. 150 last time i took it, which was a while ago

  14. 145... Both times I took the test. Once when my school thought I might be retarded (thank you Jeb Bush) when I was in the 2nd grade. And again when I was 16.

    I highly doubt that there are this many people this high... The whole point is that 100 is dead average... Liars!

    And how many people are going by an online knowledge based quiz? Those aren't real. A real test involve a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

    Oh, and my brother is actually in mensa (185). It's really not what you think, it's really just a bunch of people who want to hold a decent conversation with other people like them. (Imagine how much it sucks to have an older brother with the retention of a sponge. There is no arguing with someone like that.)

  15. 138

  16. idk

  17. 127

  18. 147

  19. 125

  20. 2.

  21. 5 billion.  But today, around 160.

  22. 46... on a good day

  23. 138.

    But I'm not going to confirm that there's a decimal in there, somewhere.  You can't make me!

  24. No idea . I am either too smart or too stupid to take those d**n tests.

  25. IQ is not a comprensive tool to determine intelligence. For example I have an extremely high spacial IQ which raises my overall IQ.


  26. 131

  27. according to 125


    ahahahah its hilarious how everyone inflates their iq score on here!

  28. Well if  i removed half of your brain you would end up smarter

  29. dunno

  30. 135

  31. i knows its pretty high for my age, but i dont remember the exact number

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