
Hello yahoo i have a question to all football experts and i need help!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 years old going to the 11th grade i weigh 165 pounds......i play defensive end for a varsity football team in michigan.I know its not the right positon for me but the coaches put me their because i am quick, strong, and i know how to play the position very well.My max bench press is 225 pounds.I really want to play college football but i dont think any colleges would be intrested in me because of my size.Should i keep at it or just give up on playing college ball at my size.....o yea i am 6"1 please answer




  1. The coach put you there for a reason.  You might talk to your coach about playing other positions at the end of a game when your team has the game won or you have already hopelessly lost.

  2. You change postions. Possible DB are Receiver you've got good height for any position on the field. However you weigh less than some college Kickers.

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