
Helloooo everybody, myself ashish i love a girl very much from the last 5 years.?

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buttt there was one twist in my story. she was my maternal uncle daugter.relation from my mother side yehhh its wrong but i don't think so_ _ _ love is love. i can surly say that i can't live without her..... i really love her with the core of my heart. i think she was also intrested in me buttt not like that as me. i am from hindu region my age below 20 n she is now 18. i think our relationship have no point to meet because as per hindu family tradition. no matterr i will still love her through my life goes.......




  1. So she is family? That's tough! You should tell your feelings to someone in your family, who you trust a lot, and speak to her. If there is no way for that to happen, move on, it's probably for the better.

  2. find someone legal to fall in love with.  it sounds like it is lust and not

    love for your cousin.  no matter what, find someone else to love.

  3. Thats incest my friend. You sound like its more of lust and less of love.

    However you ought to get over these thoughts and find someone who could really fall in love.  

  4. strange !!!!!!!!!

    but no if you really love her then you can also love her like your sister love means not always boyfriend and girlfriend ok ?????????

    and I know this is not allow at all in hindu family so try to change your thinking if you got me then its ok and it will work if not then sorry u are independent to take your own decision.

  5. I do not understand as to why you have used the term"she was" twice in your question and again "she is now 18". First decide which is true.

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