
Helmet helmet helmet helmet?

by  |  earlier

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do you ride a bike with a helmet? to school?




  1. Yes.

  2. Which do you value more? Your vanity or your brain functions.

    you think you look dorky wearing a helmet? How do you think you'll look in a coffin? or in a hospital bed with drool coming from your mouth and machines keeping you breathing?

  3. um..

  4. I guess it's ok on the short buss.

  5. Yes. I looks dorky but I have a friend who is a professional racer who almost killed himself. He just stepped onto his bike to ride around the block, and somehow stumbled and crashed and broke his skull. And I have another friend who broke his helmet in half during a crash and got a bad concussion, but it would have been his head if  it hadn't been the helmet. Seriously, a helmet can save your life, even if it ruins your hair.

  6. I don't ride it with a helmet, nor do I ride it to school.

  7. if you are under 16 you have to wear one by law (at least where i live). i actually know someone who has died from not wearing a helmet. he was 22, not cool. do yourself a favor, you cannot always rely on other people to keep you safe

  8. No I don't ride a bike.

  9. I wear a helmet every time I ride.  No matter how good you are you can't control the people driving cars near you.

  10. everybody needs it just in case

  11. helmet! helmet helmet!


    lol i dnt even ride a bike

  12. well i dont but i think u shud cos u never no wen u cud fall off!!!

  13. hey guys,, <--go here, sign up and start getting a check sent to your house on a monthly basis, enjoy! all you do is spread the word!

  14. I dont ride on a bike to school but if I see people they usally dont have 1 on

  15. no

  16. Well, I graduated from school already, but sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.  

  17. Yes you should wear helmet to school if the distance of the school is fast, it;s for your own good & safety first, just follow the rules.

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