
Helo im havn trouble can use help me?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i have cerebellar degeneration and i have slurred speech.

but they have a treatment for cerebellar degeneration its calld high dose intravenous but i was wondering if i take that treatment would my slurred speeach go?

it says high dose intravenous to treat cerebellar D.




  1. You normally have a high chance it would go away but as the guy said on must mention the name of the drug prescribed for you. I think it is better you ask your doctor about this or a neurologist to give you more information^_^

    I hope it does get your slurred speech b/c this should help with it^_^

    peace out from Bart

  2. once neurons degenerate they r difficult to regenerate. so m not sure this will help u or not. can u tell me name of the drug?

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