
Help, Advice needed about fly infestation? UK?

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we have found these tiny little flies, at least i am assuming that is what they are. And are totally freaking me out. They aren't fleas, as far as i can tell, but these are very small, and have a tendency to land on you or food, drinks, and i am going absolutely potty. I have tried the spray stuff like Raid, but it doesn't get rid of them. I hate bugs in the house, outside i am fine, but when i see them i feel so repulsed. I know i am being a tad hysterical but we had a major problem once, caused by neighbours bad hygiene and now can't think of how to get this sorted. Anyone know a good, effective product that might just kill them off. I wish i could find out exactly what they are. If i don't get it sorted, then might have to get pest control in.




  1. they like alcohol so if you put little pots of beer around they tend to fly into their and die! i had the same problem when i lived in my flat but our problem was there was disused land behind us so when we opened the windows they came flying in!!! good luck anyways x  

  2. Yes we have them as well. Its August and they come in from wheat and corn fields, their shelf life is limited they will be gone in a few weeks. The only way to stop them is by keeping windows and doors closed, not helpful in warm weather. they are completely harmless and will go soon.

  3. Actually sounds like a form of fruit fly.  We get these a lot in Florida and I have seen them here in the UK.  You need to clean your garbage, sink and anywhere there is food, especially rotting food.  Take boiling water and pour it in your sink to clean anything that could be yucky and rotten in your pipes.  Lift dog/cat food bowls and scrub around them.  Any food like fruit or breads need to be put in the fridge.  Leave no food out that they can find.  If you have a dirty sponge throw it out and get a clean one.  Anything that has food of any description, they will live on.  Once your house is clean, they will quickly die off.  They only live for a couple of days so the cycle starts all over again.  Take your trash out daily until the infestation stops.  I bought plums once not realising in the bag were these fruit flies and it was horrible!!  When I had cleaned my entire house I still had them and realised without food they went for the next best thing, the cat litter tray!  With that changed they were gone.  But while we had them they were an absolute nightmare.  Good luck! x*x

  4. they could be fruit flies.Fruit flies are a pesky little insect. The saying that if you've seen one, there are probably a hundred, is true for the fruit fly. Once you start to capture them you will be amazed at how many you see in the trap and how many were really in your house!

    As its name implies, fruit flies like to feed on fruit. There can be many reasons fruit flies are in your house. They could be attracted to your fruit in the fruit bowl display, the row of freshly picked tomatoes waiting for processing, or even a dirty garbage disposal with its mixture of old foods. No matter the reason, fruit flies are an unwelcome guest but can be easily removed with the following homemade device.

    First, eliminate the source that is attracting the fruit flies. Throw out old fruit, process the tomatoes, place fruit in the refrigerator until the trap has cleared the fruit flies. If you have messes, you will need to clean them up and clean your garbage disposal too. Then continue to clean up after meals. A cup with milk residue will even attract fruit flies and keep them from going to the intended source: your trap.

    To make the trap, you need a bottle or other container with a narrower neck. Take a regular piece of paper and roll it into a funnel shape, leaving a pea-sized opening at the bottom of the funnel. Tape the paper to secure that the funnel does not come unrolled.

    Take a piece of banana peel, a slice of tomato, a squashed grape, a bit of red wine, or any other food (generally sweet or fruit-related) that you think will attract a fruit fly. Place this in the bottom of your container.

    Then shove the paper funnel into the neck of the bottle, making a seal. There should be no room for the fruit fly to get out between the sides of the container and the paper.

    Simply place your trap in the location where you are seeing fruit flies. Give it time to work. The fruit flies have to smell the fruit in the bottom and find their way in. They won't find their way out.

    You can leave your fruit fly container sitting out for days. If it gets a little unappealing looking at all those fruit flies crawling around the glass, take it outside and release them and then just bring it back in and put the funnel back in it.

    Move the trap around the house. It is likely that the fruit flies will spread out once the source of their food is diminished. Kitchens are generally where the infestation starts, but fruit flies will soon be attracted to the wet conditions in the bathroom and (gross) the sweet toothpaste scents on your toothbrush. When you have fruit flies in your house it is best to keep your toothbrushes in a plastic bag until they are gone.

    After three or four days (depending on the numbers of fruit flies in your home) you will begin to see fewer fruit flies in the trap. If you empty it once or twice a day it will be easier to notice how many you have.

    Why does this work? You would think that if the fruit fly could find its way in, it could also find its way out. But the fruit fly hones in on the fruit to get in. When it's time to get out of an object with sides, its instinct is to travel straight up. So the fruit flies will be trying to escape by flying up to where the container meets the paper. This is why you have to make sure your seal between the container and paper is air tight. Because you have a funnel shape that goes below the walls, the opening is too hard to for the fruit flies to find.

    Good luck, and good riddance!

  5. try going to a vet/petshop and get their flea spray as that stuff kills EVERYTHING!

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