
Help, Do I have a psychological disorder?

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O.k I had a situation that happened to me in late March in college with a falling out of several friends. I was did dirty by several people and I have been worrying aboout the situation nonstop. I seem to always overanalyze things beyond what they should be. To put it in perspective, a DAY hasnt passed since March 21 that I havent't thought about the situation or worried about next school year. Worrying have even caused me to go into weeks of depression at a time. Is this a disorder that I might have?




  1. No you are in the real world. But go to the dr. there is no one qualified to tell you if your crazy or not except for your doctor.

  2. At a minimum its an anxiety disorder.  Go to GP and they can prescribe something to help and get you a good nite's sleep(you are having trouble there too right?) and then schedule some psychologist or behaviourist time pronto.

  3. yeah, it's one thing to be concerned by a situation or to feel guilty, but the level of obsession you're experiencing over these friendships is out of proportion. you should relax your thoughts. do what you can to get a better perspective of these few months versus the rest of your life.

    yes, it's traumatic and very sad to lose friends, but it certainly isn't the end of the world. once you can grieve the friendships and move on, you'll be able to open yourself to new friendships and gain back your mental and emotional freedom. it's probably a good idea to start seeing a counselor. it's not as scary as it sounds, i've been in therapy for a year and it is one of my most comforting relationships. in fact, she's going to be gone for a week and i can't wait till she gets back!

  4. My guess is that you're young? People are cruel. Also, in the middle of your question you sat "to put it in perspective......" I truely think you should. Try filling your time with other things (even a long walk) that should help relieve the stress. When you go back to college see it as a clean slate for everyone, if they don't then atleast thats how you started the year off. I dont think you have a disorder-just sensitive, and lots of people are, dust yourself down sweetheart, and know-there are better times to come.

    Best wishes Sarah x

  5. If you did serious wrong and hurt these people, especially if you cared about them, you don't have a disorder.  You are experiencing what's known as a serious case of guilt and regret.  It's what happens when people who care about and respect others defy their ethics and sense of morality.  The way to alleviate it is to make amends.  When school starts, apologize by taking full responsibility for what you did and acknowledging how wrong and hurtful it was.  Say you deeply regret it, but don't make your apology all about having them make you feel better.  The point is for you to make them feel better.  In that, you get a little relief yourself.  The tough part is that you may have permanently lost friends and have to live with it.  Learn from the experience.  When you hurt others, you hurt yourself.

    If a while after school starts and you have talked to these folks you are still feeling down and guilty, see if you school has any counselors.  Talking it through with someone trained may help.

  6. you might have anxiety disorder, but every other person in the world seems to have that right now. You might be anxious because of past traumatic experiences, and thats posttraumatic stress disorder.

    but otherwise, its just that your growing up and worring more about your future. if your truly concerned, go to a doctor or therpist and explain your problem. but in the meantime, try not to think as much and try to relax and listen to soothing music. go out with some friends or something.

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