
Help, How to deal with Dependent personality disorder?

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Im 19 years old but I think I might have Dependent personality disorder. My fear of being lonely drives me to do please everyone. I go out my way for people, friends and so forth so they could like me. I don't rock the boat because of the fear of being rejected. Im pretty much a "YES" man and that often has gotten me taken advantage of by friends. I need reassurance from friends and peers for me to feel confident and I base my self-worth on what others think and the friends that I have. Its almost as if I am scared to stand alone because I dont think I have what it takes to. Is there anyone like this and is this something that guys go through? If so what can I do because I might very well have to stand alone this school year in college after several friends turned on me?




  1. How did you come about this diagnosis?  All those issues could qualify you in several other labels. If you feel a desire to change it takes hard work but it is worth it.  A few sentences with instructions is not going to do much.  I recommend going to a qualified professional, or group therapy and getting evaluated, educated with guiding assistance.  I personally look at life as a journey where we are given opportunities to learn about ourselves.  Sometimes I am not willing to grow until things become so painful I have to!  I think it's great that you are examining yourself .  Some times we don't have enough knowledge to help ourselves and sometimes we need support because it is difficult and takes awhile.  It is up to me to get the help I need by finding and using my resources.  I wish you growth and good luck in college!          P.S.  Counseling changed my life and the way I look at things.

  2. hmm...well..

    it is normal to rely on your friends and family

    and in return for them to rely on you.

    but maybe the friend you rely on isn't

    ready for the 'commitment' per-say.

    none of us want to be lonely, and most of us

    aren't lonely. you will always have someone

    in your life there beside you.

    and about being a 'yes' man...Be smart about things, dont be anybody's doormat you are better than that i know it

  3. I had the same problem.

    As have many other people I've known, both male and female.

    You need to force yourself to have me time. Spend the day with yourself. It sounds odd but it really helps!

  4. Gossip girl is right. Make time for yourself. ' ME' time. You do have to force it because some kind of anxiety keeps you always dependant on others opinions. It is very common for all people to think like this. There are the dominated and the dominaters. Try to be in the middle. Just know yourself and be it. Dominaters hurt other and dominated hurt themselves apparently. But in actuality both can do both. A dominater also hurts themselves by being like that. And the dominated also hurt others by being like that. -Even though they are trying SO hard to please. It backfires strangely enough.

    If you find that it is actually giving you h**l or making you sick to think like that, you'll find a way to change.

    Read up about personality disorders. We all have them. You're not weird. It's normal.  

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