
Help, I'm In Trouble!!!!!!! What should I do?

by Guest32049  |  earlier

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I forgot a homework assignment and it wasn't posted on the internet web site that our school uses, and that homework assignment is due FIRST PERIOD which is obviously... FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!! I don't know what to do!!! I'm not gonna get it done in time!!! And when my teacher looks at his e-mail, it would probably be too late. Well maybe he can check his e-mail, but he wouldn't be able to provide a copy of the assignment.

What do I do? I'm sad because this will HURT my grade A LOT since this will be our first graded assignment. Should I e-mail him?




  1. That will not hurt your grade, how could it ,ITS your first! G.P.A.'s are done after a numerous amount of grades not just one! E-mails are an artificial way of being human ,send him something from the heart and leave out the dramatic bull c**p! and maybe he will see you are human and forgive you!

  2. Teachers get to school 30 min. before school starts.. Get to school early and see if you can get the homework assignment then and do it fast enough before school starts.  Otherwise if you know someone's last name in you class, try to look up their phone number and call them and ask about the assignment.  

  3. What is the assignment? Maybe we can help you with it? If not, I don't know how you can get around it. I would probably cram all night and get it in.

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