
Help, I'm afraid to go to sleep!?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like every time I do I get eaten by vampires or raped to death by mutants!

In the past my dreams were short, pretty simple, and not very realistic, vivid or memorable.

But over the last few days they sem to have changed. They follow a continious story throughout the night, and I usually die several times in them! Every time I die I usually wake up, but when I go back to sleep I start having the same dream again, except I'm just a diffirent person in it.

Like last night I was traped in a hospital overrun with zombies. First i died from falling down an elevator shaft, then zombies broke into my room and strangled me, then they were trying to rape me or something so I jumped off the hospital roof and died, and after that I pissed this vampire chick off so she drank my blood! (that one seemed to fell the most real)

Everytime I was a difirent person, and it went on throughout the entire night!

Now I don't wanna go to sleep!

What do you think i should do?




  1. you must be watchin jombies movie and all that's why your mind is portrate all this stories the best thing is accept everything otherwise these dream will haunt you..if you keep on saying no this won't happen the more forcefully you with more power these taughts will come to you..even to forget a taught you are thinking every time what yo have to simply accept it and one more thing you can do whenever you go to sleep listen the clock sound tick tick won't come to know when you fall asleep and that sleep will be more profoung and you won't seen all these things in your dream...

  2. stop watching so manny scary movies

  3. haha

    this happend to me..actually, it's come back

    just calm down. nothing's gonna hurt you

    what's been up with you lately, this isn't normal -- this isn't in the same zipcode as 'normal' actually -- and clearly isn't good for you *nods*. Something usually is wrong when ya start having violent nightmares.

    Hey, my inbox is open anytime karl :) and my messenger too :p

  4. Karl, it was very helpful to tap into your web site which tells me that you are 17 years old. That is actually quite a critical age where your mind is searching for an aim in life. You seem to be searching for something that will anchor you in your life and give you a definite direction.

    This is clear from your dreams where you die time and time again and change to different persons. Actually there is a figure in your dreams that symbolises this whole process of dying and being resurrected again and again and always changed into a new person only to die again. This symbolical figure is; or rather are, the MUTANTS. You know of course that this word signifies a person or being that is in the process of CHANGING.

    Rape means being forced into submission, being overpowered. What forces you into submission is not a mutant, but mutation. It means that your are in the process of serious and radical change.

    The first change that happened to you was from childhood to a pubescent being, from a non-sexual being to a sexual human.  

    Now you are in a phase of further mutation. The fact that you were eaten by vampires shows this dramatically. Being eaten means being transformed.

    Part of this further transformation or mutation is finding your true sexuality. You are not happy in that sphere at the present. I gather this from the fact that you are being raped and forced into bloodletting by vampires. Being bitten on the throat is a very sexual act. That is the place where love bites are directed. The vampire acts in Dracula are really hidden sexual acts. Falling down a lift shaft too is highly sexual. Just remember the metaphor 'FALLING in LOVE'! Falling is a highly sexual feeling. But in your dream it is connected with a hospital, indicating that there is something disturbing about your sexuality. That the hospital is overrun by zombies, i.e. by creatures that are subhuman and intellectually decrepit, is another pointer towards your unhappy sexual predisposition.

    The fact that you annoyed a vampire chick seems to tell me that you are not comfortable in a possible relationship with females.

    What to do? Well, first of all you can stop worrying that you are going to die. You have to realise that your change from childhood to puberty is not finished and that you need to sort out your sexuality. You have to ask yourself where you stand in the world of sexual relationships.  

    The hospital scene seems to tell you that you might have to seek professional counselling in that sphere.

  5. You need to sleep in a different room or something.  Thos mutants know where you live!

  6. sounds like you need to smoke some weed, my friend.

  7. Watch a movie with a happy ending and

    no freaky images right before you fall asleep.

    Try to focus on those positive things.

    If you think about something long enough,

    it will eventually stick in your head.

    Think about a girl you like or something?

    You can have fancy dreams about her too...

  8. I am a 13 year old. This helps me alot.

    After you fall asleep, when u r somewhere where you are about to die, like in the falling elevator, try to open your eyes as far as they can go.That normally wakes you up before something stupid happens.

    Hope this helps

  9. ure feeling stressed.. i once had de almost same dream as u wen my PSLE is coming.. so jus relaxed..

    have a good bath, and sleep well.. don tink abt work or sku work wen ure sleeping.. evrybody nids their time to take a break..

    even if dere are still dreams, u mus remember, its ur dream.

    u rule dem. not bcos ure scared of those things and make it affect your sleep. its ur dream and u can imagine anything.

    gd-luck. hope ive helped :)

  10. your dreams could be a product of your personal fears, problems, challenges or hurts in real life. In reality, maybe you don't deal with these things and your subconscious mind turns this into a nightmare, or you could have a sleeping disorder. My brother has the same problem, he consulted a pro. and he was advice to stop doing some of his habits and try to face his problems or at least open up with someone..

    You should also consult a pro. to give you the right advice that is fit for your situation..

  11. Try and write them all down and then try to make a script for a movie from them and send it to studios.

    Go for a stroll during day light hours walk back and forth to school or work. Concertacte on your work. Spend some time in the sun shine. Then go to a gym and take your frustration and punch they h**l out of a punching bag, take out all your frustration and really tire your self out beating something up . Also tried to go to a dog pound and take a dog for a walk. Spending time with a living thing will help.

    Also where do you live sounds like my place.

  12. Stop watching horror movies. Put a bible by your bed.

  13. it seems like you're pretty into those kinda things for instance you watch a lot of those types of movies or read those books etc. So do what the people being chased do: draw a circle of chalk around your bed, have a wooden stake by your bed, wear a metal cross around your neck. By doing things like this you are setting your mind at ease and might not dream as badly. good luck!

  14. visit a psychiatrist

  15. Leave the light on.   Listen to the radio or t.v. , conversation program to lead your mind to think in different way.   Make some sporting efforts to be tired to get sleeping.   Try to say : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6.......up to 100 slowly and say it again , you will sleep before you say it three times.

  16. ok, relax. u may be having stress at home or school. if that is the case then u need to know that u r having a dream. it is ur dreaM Aand u can make it happy, or bad. if u think ur gonna die in a nightmare if u fall asleep then u will, just fall asleep knowing ur ok, and think about winning a lotteryy or something.

    try drinking warm juice or milk, or putting a wet cloth on ur forehead.

    good luck;)

  17. Well, 1st stop watching horror films, n watch a light Disney movie n just relax, cuz dreams are just reflection of yoUr thoughts, ur fears n ur aspirations. Face the fear.  Every time you have the dream get up n speak out loud or just become extremely rigid n keep sleepin n say i dont care cuz ur not real. :)

  18. Not my fault

  19. Try to avoid watching horror stories before bedtime

    Listen to soothing songs before bedtime

    Don't go to bed too late at night

    and of course

    Say your prayers before sleep

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