
Help, I'm doing the 1500 meter run at school tomorrow and I really don't want to do <span title="it????????????????????????">it???????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Can you give me any suggestions on how I can not do it i.e faking illness???




  1. Say you have got the runs

  2. Say you have the runs and go to the bathroom

    It always works

  3. ur probably gonna have to do it when u come back anyways

  4. Bandage one ankle and limp around all day. That should get you out of the 1,500metres.

  5. Just don&#039;t go, lol.

  6. 1500m, you could walk it in 25 minutes - so just walk around untill your teachers get bored of you and tell you to stop/.

    Either that or get out there and run and stop giving us all the idea that teenagers at the moment are lazy

  7. dont be lazy. the more you put it off the worse it gets. Go out get it done it wont kill you.

  8. Just don&#039;t do it

    Stand up for yourself

    And don&#039;t let anyone coax you into doing it by saying your letting us down, say your letting me down by forcing me to do something I don&#039;t enjoy which is for your own benefit.

  9. The best thing to do would be to just run it. It should probably only take about 8 minutes at a light jog, so just tough it out it&#039;s not nearly as bad as it sounds. good luck bro

  10. pretend to be sick

  11. Saw off one of your legs as an excuse.

  12. go to the run.. with a bandage on your ankle lol

    or start the run then fall over and stay on the floor like youre really hurt. haha

  13. ummm write a note saying that you had a migrain yesterday and it would be dangerous to be doing any exerciseing at the risk of passing out worked for me lol

    remember to put a signiture! lol

  14. Fake a asthma attack!!!!

  15. Why have you let it get this far, it would have been much easier to CHICKEN OUT sooner. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK

  16. i have to do 1.5 mile run at college lol its alot easier than you think doing 1500 metres

    im sure you can do it easily just dont stop running but dont start too fast

    but if you really dont want to just dont turn up lol

  17. just do it. its your own fault if your fat!

  18. pretend to be heart attck..

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