
Help, I'm nauseated..?

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What are some good ways to not feel stomach sick?I took some ecstasy tonight, but no more than usual. Please no judgmental comments, just wondering if anyone out there gets like this on "E" too, & how do you get over that sickly feeling. I dropped about 2 hours ago, & these are the same pills I take every time, so I know they are safe. Thanks! PeAcE




  1. Mint Tea....seriously...

    Or Pepto...

    spearmint life savers...

  2. Let some Coke a Cola get flat. In the early 1900's till like the 5o's, they used coke syrup to calm baby's bellys. It always helped me. I know your not hungry, but get some food in your system. I my experiance<which isnt alot, but enough> the pill was too much for my belly to break down. you need some food to help with the acids. <also are you flying really high, or just "chill", it might be a differant batch than your used to with more coke, or baby laxative>

  3. you can take pepto bismol

    being sick on ecstasy is normal, my boyfriend pukes everytime even in small doses. ive only been sick one time on only one pill. ofcourse your body isnt gunna want a bad chemical in your body and its gunna want to get rid of it and thats by throwing it up. iv never just been stomache sick, but i was stomache sick for a few minutes then needed to puke and my stomache acke went away

  4. Fresh Bananas.

    The potassium in bananas with help nausea.

    Also, sometimes Gator Aid or Power Aid will help calm your stomach, especially it it is accompanied by diarrhea.

    Best regards.

    Cynthia Miller

    Safe Haven Health Community

  5. The best thing for nausea is Plain or Saltine Soda Crackers, this nausea is often caused by an empty stomach. Be sure to drink lots of water, as this will help.

    A tablespoon of Pepto Bismol will help or a teaspoon of plain kaolin, both will stop your nausea.
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