
Help, I'm running out of money!What do I do?

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Help, I'm running out of money!What do I do?




  1. Guest34505


    Are you seeking for a legitimate lender from the internet? My name is Kathie Smith, United State.please i want to advice you to beware of loan from the China and any part of Malaysia because they are all scammers. I have been scammed over 6 times until i came across a loan company from United State. They are so wonderful and serious minded company. I would advice you contact them if you are in need of loan of any kind(personal or business) because i got a loan from them without any stress after meeting their requirement. Their contact info is: or or Tel: USA +12404374240 Skype ID:roger.n.william

  2. If you are running out of money, the logical answer is to start running into money........duhhhhhhhh

  3. thats easy dont spend anymore and start saving up! get a job.

  4. stop spending and get a job or a better job

  5. Find yourself a partner with a bunch of it

  6. Take your a-s-s to work like everybody else!

  7. Beg from everyone you know then leave for another place.  

    Actually begging on the street is not a bad way to earn money.  Some of them truely are quite well off.  

    If you are really short first go see mother.

  8. Panhandle

  9. Let me pimp you, what do you look like?

  10. see pimp master g

  11. get a job??

    or another job??

    or stop spending it??

    gen x

  12. uh...find a job. It'll be easier if you go to college. But after reading your ridiculous queation, i can see you probably have'nt...

  13. Ask Queen Elizabeth for a sub,,she has got plenty of our hard earned  money

  14. As you posted this question in the "Royalty" section, the obvious answer is to marry a member of the Royal family.  They're mostly rolling in money and you'll be able to live off them for the rest of your life.  Just watch out for white Fiats! :-)

  15. I've been in this situation on many occasions throughout my life and I do sympathise, I know how it feels.

    My late Father always said 'God will provide'. This was his motto whilst bringing up us five children alone following our Mother's tragic death when we were all very young.

    When I was an adult he told me that, even during the most difficult times, something would turn up and his belief that God would provide never let him down. So whenever I need help I pray, and God has always provided. Not just regarding money problems, but for any problem I pray and the help I get still amazes me.

    I'm sorry if you aren't religious and my words seem pointless, but try it. It does work.

    Best wishes


    I've just read some of the other suggestions and I'm disgusted at how uncaring and insensitive some people are. Not everyone is as wonderful at managing money as you - no doubt - 'exceptional' people are. Enjoy yourselves while you can as it may happen to you one day.

  16. as this question is in the Royalty section I assume you are planning to get your hands on the royal coffers. the only way you can do that is to copy what our royals did years ago. that is get an army together kill off the current head of the ruling family and proclaim yourself the new ruler. so then you will be in a position to sit back and count all your ill gained millions that you collect in taxes from the sweat and toil of the working masses you look down your nose at.

    Oh sorry forgot to say that since they did that they have now made it illegal to do the same so we are stuck with the current family of royal leaches

  17. Get another job.  Call your parents.  Ask for a raise.  Sell your Plazma.  Sell things on EBAY.  POKER NIGHT.

  18. You do whatever you can to get a job and SAVE your money. Your life isn't anything to toy around with.

  19. Stop spending it and get a job.

  20. ask the queen of england for help

  21. Stop spending it.

  22. get another job , sell stuff , get a loan .

  23. Get a job

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This question has 23 answers.


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