
Help, I'm scared that if I don't pass my state test my parents will be mad! =[?

by Guest57593  |  earlier

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I'm worried because I've passed EVERY state test and I don't know if I passed the seventh grade one yet because it doesn't come in the mail until later. My mom is more understanding about these things, but I feel like my dad always expects the best from me. I really struggled with math in seventh grade, and I'm even worrying that I'll get below the standard! What should I do? I'm pretty confident in all areas except math. I've been worrying about this alot lately. I don't want my dad to get mad or disappointed.. =/




  1. the 7th grade test was hecka easy you will do fine

    dont worry i thought i was going to do really bad but then did great

  2. I think you are worried over nothing, you sound like a very smart girl and i really believe you passed that test, and besides your dad knows you tryed your best and he will still love you no matter what, so keep up the good work, i'm proud of you and so is your dad

  3. Don't be worried about it because of your parents. Be worried about it for yourself.

  4. You should have stopped thinking about this when you finished the test because there is nothing to be done now.  As a Roman once said, "the die is cast."  

  5. He's your dad even if he get disappointed at a lower than expected score he'll still love you. i would say  if you know something is your weaker area i would study harder to do well in it.  

  6. What's the state test?  Is that the SATs or whatever?

  7. Just talk to your dad. Tell him that you're worried that you might not have passed the 7th grade math test and see what he says. There is no reason for him to get mad, it's too late now. if you're really worried about you math skills get extra tutoring in the subject.

    And relax!! You could be worried over nothing . For all you know you passed with flying colors. Just be glad that it's over and put it behind you.

  8. You need to talk to them and tell them you're worried about their reaction if the test doesn't come back so good. Say that you know you struggled with math, but you did your best, and you did well on all the other subjects, and you're just worried about how they will feel. Ask them to help you this year, maybe with lots of help from them, your grades will go up. Good luck!!

  9. Star Test? Haha. That's nothing to be worried about. It benefits TEACHERS. Not students. It tells the state if the teachers are teaching you what you need to learn. Many parents don't know this, but you can write a note and send it to your teacher saying that you don't want your child to take that test. I took it though. It looks good on college applicants. Basically any state test below 11th grade or 10th grade(Not the exit exam!) isn't mandatory. Any state. I'm going to 8th too. Thursday.

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