
Help, I'm stuck on my last question

by Guest11078  |  earlier

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By trying to use a technological fix for one problem, we inadvertently create another." Explain how the problems associated with acid rain fit this statement.




  1. Motor vehicles, electrical generators and factories while meant to be technological fixes, emit nitrogen and sulfur compounds that produce acid rain.  An example of how a sulfur emmission from a coal burning power plant can cause acid rain is this:

    SO2 + OH· → HOSO2·

    HOSO2· + O2 → HO2· + SO3

    SO3(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(l)

    Acid rain is problematic in that it can damage buildings and historical artifacts including statues.  In the soil, some microbes are killed which disrupts the ecosystem and can go on to cause much environmental damage.  Acid rain can kill fish and there may be adverse human health effects, too.

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