
Help, I've been extremely sick the past few days.

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Okay, So I've had a sore throat for the past few days, I know, "Big deal, right?" Well yesterday my stomach started bothering me really bad and i've been throwing up and having diarrhea. Today my stomach is a little better but my throat is hurting worse and now i have like 10 ulcers in my mouth, mainly under my tongue. I know its nothing like mono or sexual because i've not done anything in over a year. PLease help!




  1. Oh my god. You need to seek a physician. This sounds eerily similiar to Avian Flu symptoms across eastern China for the past few years. If you do not see a doctor, this could be deadly.

    Just kidding. I have no clue what you have.You might have Canker sores or a biological reaction to a flu. Vomiting is an indication that your body is trying to get rid of an undesirable pathogen that has traveled into your digestive system. Your body is trying to purge it out. To be on the safe side, consult a doctor.

  2. You need to get to the doctor.  Ulcers under the tongue is something I don't know about.  You could take some Pepto Bismol for your stomach and the diarrhea and hold a little Maalox in your mouth for the ulcers.  It might help.  Make an appointment and get there as soon as possible.  If you have a fever, take Tylenol, not aspirin.  I hope you are better soon.  

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