
Help, I am so sick of cleaning up poo!

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I am training my 3 year old and he is doing ok with doing a wee in the toilet, actually hes very good but he poos in his underpants. Ooooh its!!

What do I do??? I didnt have this with my firs child, he just seemed to train over night,. Bear in mind that my pooper is at present being assessed due to speech delays and sensory problems. Hes a bright kid though. I have no idea how to even tackle this part of his toilet training as he doesnt seem to absorb what I am asking of him.

Sweets, stickers, treats have worked great for the wee but not in any way for the poo. I really feel for him, he is such a sweetie but he doesnt seem to link the poo with using the toilet!




  1. Am I glad I never wanted kids!

  2. I showed my 2yr old this video and he got the idea pretty fast.  

  3. tell him the toilets a poo bunny and you have to feed the bunny poo

  4. This is so common. All you can do is keep going. I have heard so many stories from friends just like yours. Get him a reward chart up on the wall and put a sticker on it for anytime he gets to the loo. You say you are using the toilet, maybe you could try getting him onto a potty to start with. I know some kids just cant sit on a toilet too early, its a big hole for a little bottom!

  5. Can't remember where I heard this or maybe I didn't hmmmm maybe I just thought of it.....anyways perhaps making up a song related to where the p**p goes if he has more of a creative mind maybe that would appeal to him more........ and continue with the rewards when he accomplishes his goal. :)

  6. we had the same problem. it really is quite common!

    there is no single solution unfortunately.

    but my son was pooing in his pants deliberatly.

    then he tried a friends roller skates, and decided he wanted some.

    so we struck a deal. told him roller skates are very expensive, and for big boys.

    but if he had a month of smiley faces on his calendar, he could have some.

    he soon got the hang of it.

    but with yours, does he know when he needs to poo? does he show any signs? squatting? going to a corner?

    if he does, then you can take him to the toilet as he is going.

    if he doesn't know he's doing it, i'd see what your doctor says.  

  7. I'm having the same problem and my daughter is delayed also since birth due to being a preemie....her speech also.  We just started PTing and we have a chart on the wall next to the toilet for pee and for p**p.  She knows when she gets 10 stickers she can have something special from the dollar store.  She, too, gets 2 M&M's for peeing and 4 M&M's for pooping on the toilet.  So fair, the sticker chart and M&M's is working so so.  I can only get her on the toilet 3 - 4 times a day, if that, and she won't even attempt pooping on the potty.  I do hear that pooping takes longer so you may want to consider pull ups until your son is fully toilet trained.  Yes, they're expensive but it sure beats cleaing up so much p**p in underwear.   I've also heard that putting a plastic piggy bank on the back of the toilet works also and then he can "feed the pig" if he goes.  He just may need more time, Momma.  Be patient and Good Luck! :)  

  8. OOOH i sympathise with you so much my daughter who is almost 3 has been wee toilet trained for over 6 months but would not,  no matter what poo in the toilet

    but (fingers crossed) every day for the last week or so she has just got up and pooed in the toilet with no coaxing

    so lets hope its the same for you and he just gets up and does it

    and one day soon for your sake

    good luck and sorry i couldnt help

    just wanted you to know your not the only one

  9. --he may have had a painful bowel movement from being constipated. If this is the case, treat his constipation and wait until he is having regular, soft bowel movements before you begin training again

    --he may enjoy the negative attention he gets from not using the potty or from having accidents.

    --Another thing to consider is his psychological readiness, or willingness! If he is not bothered by a dirty diaper or if he is uninterested or unwilling to sit on the potty, believe me, you are not going to get very far. As the saying goes, you can place a toddler on a potty, but you can't make him poo...

    Just be patient and supportive especially if he is in fact a special needs child.

  10. try him out for potty training

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