
Help, I had a nightmare about some KKK child in my room :(?

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So my boyfriend slept over last night, he rarely does cause we live so far. My room is big and to the left of my bed is a walk-in closet and then a bathroom. So I slept on the left while my boyfriend was on the right. We dozed off after talking for a while.

THEN my dream began, I woke up and nudged him to see if he was awake and he was, so we began talking about whatever. Then he was cuddling with me and we switched sides, now he was on the left and I was on the right by the windows. All of a sudden he goes "WHOA something touched me!" I look and there's a little boy wearing a white cloak (it looked like those KKK ones) with the hood and everything! The little pale boy says "that was me." He's standing by Mike so I jumped up and ran by the window. I felt a force holding me down and I couldn't move my arms. I was SHAKING. I felt restrained by something and I'm still shruggling and shaking. Then I woke up, still shaking. I looked around the room and realized it was just a dream. I woke Mike up and told him to check the room just in case.

I'm super scared, I feel like that kid's gonna appear in my room in r/l. What do you think it means?




  1. Relax, and take a few deep breaths.

    Dreams by definition do not come true,

    and cannot harm you.

    Dreams are symbols of the inner turmoil

    that we are experiencing and nothing more

    than this.

    My guess, is that you may have had

    a relationship with someone who is of

    another race, or perhaps inwardly

    you have thought about such, and

    that your 'child' in the dream symbolises

    your fear of having to deal with a mixed


    My second thought would be, that

    if your of a minority yourself, that

    you are feeling persecuted and

    singled out for that. Racism is obviously

    a very childish and immature behaviour

    which could explain the fact you see

    the KKK kid coming for you in your


    I hope this helps.

  2. IF THIS was real it could be a demon....REBuke it if it comes the name of Jesus...consult a TRinity minister like Methodist or Catholic

  3. ...

  4. WOW

  5. change your sheets.

  6. Pls get ahold of yourself.  Do you have associations with the KKK or does someone you know?  Are you in an interracial relationship?

    Were you in your earlier years of life around KKK or interracial experiences and had prejudiced ppl around you?

    Just pray about it.  Accept Christ as your Savior; there's nothing God can't help you with.

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life."

  7. I think your sub-conshince is trying to tell you somthing.

    Maybe you were restraind in your dream because somthing in this life is restraing you.

  8. It was a nightmare...get over it.

  9. Perhaps sleep paralysis or night terror.  I've had many similar experiences.  Did you hear anything? Did you actually get up in your dream?

    Either way, doesn't mean anything.

    I recently had one where a strange demonic figure in black was standing over my bed staring at me.  He then began shouting my name in a shrieking pitch that got louder as I struggled to move.  Fun times.

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