
Help, I just caught Step daughter french kissing my 4 yr. old!?

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Today I just caught my 10 yr. old step daughter putting her tongue in my 4 yr old son's mouth! I yelled at her and told her that was gross inappropriate behavior, something children aren't allowed to do. I'm not sure if more is needed to be done to stop her behavior or to protect my kids. She was caught last summer forcing another child to make out with her (using tongue). We had a talk with her then too. She visits us every other weekend and she tells my 8 yr old daughter some pretty nasty things, I'm getting to the point where I don't want her around my children! If it was a neighbor kid or a friend displaying this behavior I wouldn't let my kids play with them anymore, but this is my stepchild, so what do I do? Any suggestions or opinions will be greatly appreciated.




  1. wow

    how the f would she know how to do that ?

    any way you should talk to her again

    and your 4 yearold

  2. discipline her.. tell her that she wont b allowed to visit anymore if she doesnt stop acting like that..  teach her right from wrong.. and if that doesnt work then ban her from your house

  3. you need to give her to full "birds and bees" talks then if that doesn't work get her help

    sounds like she was sexually abused

  4. Take her to therapy..

  5. You NEED to take her to a counselor. It sounds like she might have been molested in the past.

    Tell your children that it's wrong for her to kiss you. And if she trys to do it again run away.*

  6. You don't mention if you are a man or woman.   I am guessing that you are a woman.   Have you talked to your husband /or wife about the child's behavior?   Have you talked to the child's mother or father about the child's behavior?   We'll there is no time like the present.   Speak to them immediately about this child's behavior.   Don't keep it a secret.   Expose the matter to all concerned.   These are your children and you have to protect them with everything inside of you.   Make the matter well known and put the child "on the spot."   Then and only then will you get some answers.   Just be ready to hear her answers, whatever it/they may be. Once this has happened, then the child can be referred for counseling/therapy.     Good Luck!

  7. one i cant quite understand why a ten yr old would be french kissing but I'm going to give you the best advice that I'm able to give.

    you should sit her down and explain why what she is doing is wrong and try your best not to yell, most of the time it only makes things worse. just talk calmly, and it does help children want to understand you better and can make it easier. you should also talk to the mother of the child and if the mother isn't gonna do anything to help you out or make it come to a stop you need to let her and your step daughter know the consequences of what will happen if something isn't done about the situation

    hope i helped


    good luck.

  8. maybe she should go get therapy or something, because that doesn't sound like normal behavior. She sounds like she was abused or something.

  9. you need to find out why a 10 year old is french kissing.  Does her mother have a boy friend? or she have a step father that can be molesting her?  that isn't something a 10 year old is generally even interested in.  Have a talk with her, reassure her you will help her and won't think badly about her and if she is being abused sexually you will do everything you can to protect her.

  10. Its obvious she needs help but you need to put your kids interests first so they grow up knowing that that kind of behavior is wrong. If it was me I would take the child to counseling  and stop your stepdaughter seeing your children, even if you arrange it so you can have one on one time with her.

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