
Help, I know absolutely nothing about surfboards, and would like to pick one out for my husband.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to surprise my husband with a really special gift, but do not know what questions to ask him to find out what kind of board to get him. I know this is a pretty broad question, but I would really like to surprise him with something he loved to do a few years back before kids. So, I guess my question is, how many different kinds of boards there are and what questions should I ask to find out which one he would like. Hopefully, I can pull this off without him having to know. Thank you for any help you can offer. He is definetally old school, when it comes to things like this, I don't know if that helps with your answers.




  1. Do you remember the general size of his board when he did surf? Was it taller than him? If you go to a board shop, the people working there will always be knowledgeable and be able to help you. Or you could ask one of your husbands old friends if he knows what kind of board to get. Make sure not to get a soft top board, they're primarily for surf camps and are embarrassing.

  2. Surf boards are very personal.  It is a great idea as a gift though.  Maybe you could just give him a gift certificate for what you are willing to spend on it and allow him to pick one that he likes.  If he's old school a long board is probably a safe bet but there's still lots of variable such as size and fin setup that might be hard to guess.  Try looking for a local board shaper in your area to help you out.  If you post where you are I'm sure you'll get some feedback on where to shop.

  3. It would be best if he picked it out himself. One suggestion would be to take him for a ride on his birthday, not telling him where you were going, then pull into a surf shop that has a large variety of boards. It would still be a surprise and an awesome birthday gift.

  4. since he is old school, i would get him a long board (hard top)

    and im sure u can find out how tall he is and how much he weighs so u could probably go to a surfshop or local shaper and they could tell u what dimensions for a surfboard u should get. If u want it totally personalized for him, u could get one shaped but that would cost a lot. u could probably just find out the dimensions of a close to perfect surfboard and buy a used one or a new one that just wasn't shaped just for him and that would be fine too. Hope u find out what ur looking for.

  5. go with an ezera surfboard these are GREAT and are made in the usa

    check out there website

  6. That seems like a really nice gesture, but you seem to not have enough info, and I'd be worried about getting him the wrong board. Are you sure he's even into surfing anymore? Just be certain. If I were you, I'd probably surpise him and take him to a surf shop, one that you've already visited to make sure its got a decent selection of boards, and help him to pick one out. Maybe not as good a suprise, but safer in terms of getting it right. Old school may mean a longboard, but it could also mean like, a retro fish for example. Theres so many options now, I'd take him to the shop and make it a little trip. Good luck.

  7. well i would go with a long board. you can get them in many colors and sizes -- heres a great site.-

  8. Make up a story like:

    This person at work showed me a crazy video of someone doing a flip in the air on their surfboard. Did you ever used to be able to do anything like that?

    If he used to longboard, he would tell you that people don't do flips on longboards, so you would know to get him one of those. If he said something different, he probably prefers shortboarding.

    Then figure out how tall he is and how much he weighs and also how big the surf closest to you is.

    Then take all that information, go to a shop, and get someone to help you.

    You could also paint his board for him to make it really personal, but that is a lot of work.

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