
Help, My Fried Zucchini failed........?

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Ok so I sliced it, dipped it in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs.

I fried in a deep skillet w/ EVOO until golden brown on each side.

BUT, the breading keeps falling off! What did I do wrong? I fried some of them a little longer and it stayed on but then they were like the zucchini fried away and it was just breading.




  1. you did everything right but you might want to dip your zucchini into cracker crumbs and then fry in butter for ultimate flavor...also, you want to refridgerate the zucchini after you bread it for about an hour.

  2. after slicing it , it needs to be layed out on paper towels and sprinkled with salt, and covered with another paper towel. Leave it like this for at least 20 minutes.

    continue with the normal dredging.

  3. next time try water,flour,  water then bread crumbs.  i slice my eggplant like a large french fried potato   julian?style.  so you end up with a long square shaped zucchini.  been doing this for over thirty years.  it doesn't get as greasy as the round slices.

    good luck to ya.   i also only use olive oil, but mine is just regular olive oil.

    good luck to ya

  4. after you bread it, put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.  this will allow the breading to adhere to the zucchini

  5. Zucchini is pretty watery stuff.  Maybe if you soaked it in salty water to draw the liquid out - like you do with eggplant.

  6. Mine did that too. I made a wet batter of flour and eggs and then dipped them in breadcrumbs before frying. It still crumbles but not as much.  

  7. No your doing it all wrong. I've fried zucchini for years my dad taught me how. Slice it dip it in egg then bread crumbs and fry. Cook them when they are a golden brown. Good luck!

  8. Are you putting it on paper toweling afterward?

    If you cover your finished product, the hot zucchini can continue to cook by steaming.  That will make the breading fall right off.

    So, if you want to keep it warm, lay it on a plate, covered with paper towel and place another paper towel on top.  The towels will keep in warmth and absorb moisture and grease.  

    My family does fried vegetables all the time, and this really works for us.  Good luck!

  9. Dip them in milk first, then flour, then egg, then bread crumbs.  Press the bread crumbs on with your hands.  Put them in the fridge for about half an hour before frying and the coating will stay on much better.  Also, turning them only once will keep the breading loss to a minimum.


  10. Don't panic, you just need to stick your breading on better. If the zucchini is really wet, it won't work, so pat it gently with a towel before flouring.

    If the flour is on too thick, it will fall off, so tap it gently before dipping it in egg. Just make sure there are no heavy clumps.

    If your egg is not well-mixed, it will not adhere to the flour, so mix it well. Don't soak the zucchini in the egg, just dip it to get it coated, then transfer it to the bread crumbs. Press the crumbs firmly into the zucchini. Be gentle when transferring the breaded zucchini from the bread pan to whatever your'e holding them in until you fry them. Finally, if your oil is not hot enough when you start frying, the bread crumbs will absorb the oil instead of frying, which will make the breading heavy and soggy, and it will fall off. Don't put too many pieces of zucchini into the pan at once. This is often referred to as 'overcrowding' the pan, you've probably seen the term in cookbooks. Every item you put into a pan lowers the pan's and the oil's temperature a little bit, just like more ice cubes in a glass of water lowers the water's temperature a little more.

    One more thing...extra virgin olive oil is a poor choice for deep frying. It has a low smoke point, and loses all it's nice flavors when you get it up to frying temperatures. Use a lesser olive oil, or better yet, use canola, vegetable, or peanut oil for a nice, clean flavor and no burnt oil taste.

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