
Help, Please? Re:Personal & Asperger Syndrome .?

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Now , I come from a rather conservative family . We rarely went to see doctor and I've only went to a doctor for less than 20 times in my whole 16 years of life .I've been someone whom my class always label as "introvert" and "freak" whichever class I'm in .I am easily distracted and frustrated by sound : I prefer to be alone and in total silence .But I never mind those all , at least I'm good in sciences ,which is why I'm studying overseas on a scholarship now .But now , I am doing this project on Asperger's syndrome . I find out that I actually acquire some of the symptoms , eg:

• Inflexible insistence on certain rituals or routines

• Insists on sameness and becomes distressed when routines or rituals are changed

• Clumsy and uncoordinated motor movements

• Heightened sensitivity -- tends to be distressed by loud noises, bright lights, or strong tastes or textures

• Restricted and repetitive behavior

• Abnormally intense preoccupation with certain activities or areas of interest (i.e. stamps, coins, flags, cars, or airplanes)

• Often adopts a very formal tone and use of language, not using shortenings or slang

• Language regression - loses previously acquired ability to say certain words or sentences

• Struggles with nonverbal communicative behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction

• Fails to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level

• Doesn’t often seek out interactions and prefers to play alone

• Appears unaware of others' emotions

• Often does not follow subtle humor, and may misinterpret sarcasm and jokes as literal and ill-intended

That's 14 out of 21... I don't want to call my parents .I don't want to worry them .I also can't consult my guardian : she'll call my parents first and foremost .I can;t see a psychologist :I don;t have the money to .I am alone in a foreign country , finding out that "maybe" something was really wrong with me .. I am hoping now , any kind soul out there would know what I could do now ... Maybe you're a psychologist who can help me , tell me whether I should be alarmed or not ,or someone with experience or knowledge about this ..ANyway , please , I'm distressed about this now ..Please help ..




  1. Hello there,

    One of the best things I found for dealing with stress was meditation.

    I went through a period of my life where I literally had a breakdown because of stress and was off work for months because of it.

    During this time I was offered all sorts of drugs and the like by doctors which I turned down.  One of my friends mentioned meditation and how they had heard it was really good with stress.

    I found a local group, signed up and started to learn to meditate.  I now attend a group every week and meditate daily and found that my stress levels have dropped significantly and that I am able to cope through situations where I wouldn't have in the past.

    If you're suffering from stress, then try meditation, it's a really good way of reducing your stress levels.

    Hope that helps you out! :)

  2. This is nothing to stress about.

    As someone who has been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, I have had no trouble with it. Occasionally you will have social misunderstandings and such, but again, it's not inhibiting your ability to live, and if you've lived with it thus far, you can continue to do so.

  3. Asperger's can range from very debilitating to mild forms. You should feel reassured as you have obviously been successful enough in school to be awarded the scholarship you are on. If you can focus on the positive aspects and feel relieved that you have an awareness now for the differences about you that made you feel like a "freak" then i don't see any reason to do anything differently! Bill Gates who is one of the most successful people in the world reportedly has Asperger's as well!! If you want to seek advice, look up support groups when you get back(which are free) and see how others cope and feel. This isn't something to panic about. talk to your parents when you return and let them know you would like a professional opinion. In the mean time concentrate on your studies and enjoy the adventure you are on.

  4. Most of us are self diagnosed at first and then its finding a professional who understands and can diagnose us. So many choose not to, so continue with what you are doing now research and read as much as you can and then your find your answers, as its not about the label, its about true identity.

    AS Symtoms (Full Official Criteria) & AQ Test::

    There is a whole aspie community waiting to welcome you, who really do understand, one of the bigger better ones which may be a good start is WrongPlanet

    I have aspergers myself and finding out was hard at first, but it has truly enriched my life, understanding and acceptance does make a huge difference.

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