My puppy is driving me NUTS! I just moved into a new house, and new state, and I have a 9 month old Boxer mix, and a 13 year old dachshund. Before I moved, my puppy was going through multiple training classes and did very well in them. Since I have moved, she has turned into a completely different dog. She constantly jumps up and nips when I come home and even when I come back into the room when I was only gone for a second. When I invite people over, her hackles go up and the howls and snarls at them, so I put her in the other room, and she screams like someone is beating her, and she now knows how to open the door. She gets out and jumps on my guests and nips them, it is so embarrassing. I tell her "no" and "off" and turn my back on her, and just ignore her, and it used to work, but now it only makes her worse. When she gets excited, my dachshund starts barking and won't shut up. I am so embarrassed to invite people over now. Also, she has developed some major problems. She now likes to chew on rocks. She will whine at the door to go outside, so I let her out because I think she needs to go to the bathroom, and she grabs a rock and starts chewing on it, and runs away when I try to take it from her. I can't get rid of the rocks, my back yard is all rock and has a large patch of grass. I tell her "leave it" and "out", but it seems like a game to her now. She used to be such a great dog. One of my guests used a laser pointer to get her off of him, and now, she has an obsession with anything the resembles the laser pointer. If there is a reflection on the wall, she will actually run into the wall several times until I find out what is causing the reflection and make it stop. She REALLY needs help. I have called my trainer that we had before I moved, and she said to just to continue working with her, but she only seems to listen when food is involved, without food, she could care less, and when training is over, she goes back to being bad. I really want her to get back to her old self. Why did she just change into a monster of a dog? How do I get her to stop all of this? I live on my own now and I am going to college, so I can't afford more training lessons for her to "relearn." Are there things I can do for her myself to get her to leave the rocks alone, to stop jumping, nipping and acting aggressively to my guests? Thank you.