
Help, Son has ADHD & needs major help in school and hasnt been placed in approriate class etc risk of failing

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He is 9yrs old, 4th gra

He has not been placed in proper class

He was last diagnosed at age 5.

He has always had poor grades

He had been living with his father for the past 4yrs

now lives with me (mom)

School does not want to put him in the appropriate classes and his teacher continues to report his behavior as poor, bad, and is doing things on purpose, like "not paying attention".

I was told that they have to go through the proper channels to place in the appropriate class and I have to do a PPT and etc.

the problem is...

He was transferred from a Connecticut school to a georgia school where the curriculum is much harder.


He has 3 months before the mastery test stuff befor the end of the year.

Ct schools end in late june, and GA schools end in early may.

I am afraid that they will not be able to empliment the proper education for him which he needs to learn before the school year ends, causing him to fail.

I has no insurance to bring him to be revaluate




  1. I agree with the other two responses as well.  This may all be timely and you need to do something in the mean time.  Try finding a tutor (or even a big brother big sister).  I worked with a girl who was the same age, and when I went to meet with the family for the first time she was "showing off"...crawling on the counters, doing cartwheels...etc.  I was thinking, how am I going to do this and get results.  I connected with her, she todl me when we needed to switch or take a QUICK rest, it was kind of on her time.  I made her understand that if she wanted to be a chef one day she will have to learn fractions and division... I showed her how it all ties together.  We made learning fun, I met with her 2-3 days a week for an hour (or more at her discretion) a day.  I took the time to find out about her, not saying that you haven't or don't, but as a mom, I know too that your child is completely different with others.  Plus, what child doesn't love to talk about them self.  I used a point system with her as well, I would tell her she is at a 1 (not following directions, being silly etc) once we got to 3 she doesn't get her star for the day and it takes longer for her to receive her "prize".

    They have an issue with high energy and keeping on, switch things up, keep them interested, and keep them busy.  Also, they need routine, so things don't get to stimulating or fumbled in their head.  Things are going about a million miles a minute up there.  For example, every day he needs to have snack/rest/play(1 hour) when he gets home from school; homework/study 30-1hour (if there is no home work, study something for at least 30-45 min, his choice, math, reading etc.) Play until supper, then hobby mom and kid time, and be strict with bed 8:30 (read together) 9 is bed.  A child that young doesn't need to be up past 9.  He needs to know what is expected of him and lay out the consequences if he doesn't follow suit...stick with them (no Tv , no x-box).   Many ADHD children I have found love to draw, cook, run and build things.  Find some sort of hobby (outlet) that they really enjoy and join in with them.  Have a hobby hour (you two do your hobbies together in close proximity).  He gets mommy time, attention,  an outlet for his energy and is learning to focus at the same time.  

    There are so many tricks of the trade to try, it is hard to say what will and won't work...even if you find one that works this week, it may not work the next.  However, you are doing the right thing.  I wish the best for you and your son.  You are a good mom seeking out help!  Just keep on and he has been living with this for a good portion of his life, it isn't going to be easy, or quick.  Just stick with it and pray.

  2. The No Child Left Behind Act guarantees that he receive proper education with his disabilities. I would call the principal and demand that an IEP (individual education plan) meeting be held. If they refuse then contact the Board of Education. If all else fails then contact an attorney or file a complaint with the ADA! That should get their attention!

    My 10 year old has the same issue, however I am fortunate to bee in a school system that is providing for her needs. If you don't protect your child then nobody will! Fight for your child you are all he has! Good Luck!

  3. Have you requested for the school to do an evaluation to see if he can qualify for special ed services?

    Legally, special ed is the ONLY way that schools are obligated to provide help for a child.

    This PPT is the schools 'intervention program' which is useless. THey say it's for children who don't qualify for special ed, but

    1. This program is not legal and they usually don't provide the help that the child really needs, it's just a bunch of teachers 'brainstorming' to see what a child needs.

    If a child has learning problems they need 'specialized' help and reg ed teachers can not provide this. THey do not have training to know waht is best for a child with learning problems.

    2. PPT programs are just a stall tactic to keep kids out of special ed.

    If you request an eval to see if he can qualfiy for special ed IN WRITING, they can NOT do this PPT instead of doing this eval.

    THey can do PPT WHILE they are doing the eval, which usually takes 60 days, but they can NOT say they will not do the eval and do PPT instead.

    Since you are in GA this program is called SST. YOu can look on the state dept of education website and search for 'rules for SST' and it will state everything I just said.

    YOU make the choice of whether the child is kept back a grade or not,  NOT the school. I know some other states, the schools DO decide this. But NOT in GA.

  4. Contact the State Board of Education. Also there are advocates for such issues in each state and most towns.  Learn your rights through contacting one of these agencies.

  5. First of all the school provides the testing for free. Just make a written request to your childs principal. It is a confussing process but that should get you started. Also, how about summer school?

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