
Help, acidentally cheeted resturand out of money?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday me and my friend went to eat at mongolian bbq and when i got home i realized i cheeted them out of a little less than a dollar and we forgot to tip b/c we didnt know if you tiped the servers there or not, i am feeling guilty now what should i do, total it was like $19.00 and we owe like $.50 on the bill plus tip, should i call them or just forget it?




  1. Um...I personally wouldn't think another thing about it, no big deal really!

  2. Don't let it bother you too much, just whenever you go back there tip the waiter or waitress well. That should make up for it and make you feel better about it. Dont worry, love, it was an honest mistake. :D

  3. I would say that is petty change. If they didnt catch it just forget it. The next time you go there tip well, and make up for it.

  4. Be very thankful it is bothering you.  You are an honest person, consciously aware of something may be wrong.  

    It's this way:  If they had overcharged you, you would want your money.  

    Now, you have money that you feel does not belong to you.  Go and make it right.

  5. Next time you go to that restaurant you should tell the waitor serving you and give him or her a great tip. :D this way you won't feel guilty and you'll make that person's day better.

  6. Honey, while the sentiment is VERY sweet and shows what an honest person you are, it's really nothing big. Nothing to lose sleep over, certainly.

    One time my car needed motoroil really bad and I could hear it grating, I was with my friend Martin, so we went into this local video store where my friend worked to buy some motoroil. I had $2, and the oil came to $2.29, so I couldn't afford it. I said I was going to have to go across the street, where there was a 7-11, and buy the cheaper stuff. When we got out onto the street, my friend opened up his jacket and produced a bottle of the motoroil that he must have snatched up quickly before we left. He stole it! I've never stolen a cent's worth of anything in my life, and here he was acting like it was just something that's perfectly fine to do.

    I said I was gonna buy 7-11's stuff anyway, and take the stolen one back where it came from. I got to 7-11 and their stuff was the exact same price -- so we were pretty much screwed anyway. I had to put the oil in the car or I would have been screwed over really bad, so I did. Even though it was Martin who had stolen it, and I had nothing to do with it, I felt as usual responsible for the actions of my companions and I went back two weeks later with $5 and said it was a donation.

    So while it's not a big deal in my case, just like it's not a big deal in your case, I still felt that I had to do the just thing and return what was theirs. I gave them more than twice what the oil was worth to begin with, so in that way I think I did more good than bad, and thereby justified the very minor theft my friend had committed in my name.

    What I would do is, go back there, and leave a few dollars behind the counter wherever, if you feel that guilty about what happened. There should be one right by the door, so walk up, slip a $5 bill behind the counter, and leave.

  7. .50 cents let it go lol

  8. Chika, if it's on your mind, just go back, leave a tip and pay what you owe, ít's more for your sake now, I'm sure they don't mind the loss of, was it 50 cents or 50 dollars?

    If it's going to play on your mind, just go back and pay... otherwise karma will come along and you'll lose the same amount.. Good luck, you sound very decent..

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