
Help, afraid of needles?

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I'm a teenager and I'm afraid of needles and I'm about to go to the Doctor to get shots, i know I'm a little old to be worrying about this, and i have a brother half my age and i want to make an example, so how to i get over this fear?




  1. I grew up watching my sister from the age of 4 having to give herself

    shots every day for diabetes, she went to a camp to learn this and she has been doing it ever since she is now 46, when I see guys at work talking about getting a flew shot and not liking them I think of her,

    she has to be one of the strongest people I know, at 26 she had a stroke and is in a wheel chair and has gone blind in one eye and half in the other but never complains, she has raised a daughter by herself and has done a great job, I cant remember the last time she asked anything of me other then for a ride for her daughter, even though I'm much taller then her I still look up to her in amazement at what she has done, so the next time you need a shot think of her at 4, going to camp by herself to learn how to give herself a shot everyday and doing it for 42 years, that shot doesn't seem so bad after all.  Lisa I've wanted to tell you that for a very long time, Love You Matt

  2. I have a fear of needles myself, but it becomes easier over time.  I have realized now that the reason I was originally so afraid of needles is because I had so many shots when I was younger, and I was frightened more easily.  My memory of how bad shots were have stayed with me.

    Now that I am older I have recognized that I am only afraid because these memories are from a little kid's perspective.  This hasn't completely cured my nervousness and anxiety, but I no longer look nervous to others when getting shots ;)

    Another important thing to keep in mind when confronting a fear is that you must face it head on and confront it.  Don't pretend that it isn't happening.  The truth is that it IS happening, but it really isn't as bad as you have imagined it.  It's the curse of a big imagination :]

  3. You may never get over your fear of needles. When you go just take a deep breath and relax. You didn't mention what kind of shot you were getting. Sometimes they put them in your hip........relax your leg it doesn't hurt nearly as bad. If you get them in your arm again relax as it won't hurt as bad. If they draw blood what ever you do don't keep a clinched fist that makes it hurt more. Good Luck

  4. ~ Hi ~ ! That's great that you want to be a good example for your brother. I think it's very normal to be scared of needles. I still remember one time was I quite young my parents having to chase mw down, because I ran away from the person drawing my blood! LOL!

    How I got over my fear of needles, was just really kept telling myself it's an instant stick. It's not something lingering and it really goes quite quick. Just keep reminding yourself of this and you will be fine, look the other way while it's happening and you will do just find.

    One of my sons had to have a flu shot recently and has had the same kind fears and I basically told him the same thing and he actually couldn't believe how quick it was. The key is relax and tell jokes to relax your brother.

    Good Luck! =)

  5. You can have them put somewhere other than your arm... Honestly, your butt is a great muscle for them, because it's big and tends to hurt a lot less.  I know probably not something you want to talk about, but think about it as an option.  Most shots do NOT have to be given in the arm.  You can put them in just about any large muscle.  Then just tell the nurse you're afraid of needles.  Keep breathing and don't watch.  Don't hold your breath.

    I'm really afraid of needles, too, but the pain doesn't last that long for shots.  Remember, they're over in just a couple seconds.  Treat yourself to something afterwards if you don't freak out... make that your ultimate goal.  Like... I'll buy myself (fill in blank) if I make it.  

    You'll be fine.  :)

  6. try to come down and just say to your self i will not die i will not die its ok and dont look at the needle at all and tell the doctor to not tell u when its going in and keep your eyes closed  

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