
Help, can't teach son to tie shoes. need suggestions!!!?

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I am a left hander, trying to teach my right handed son to tie his shoes. I have tried it facing him. I have tried it with him sitting on my lap, and i have tried to attempt to tie with my right hand as dominant (which didn't work well at all LOL), and I have tried using my shoe and his shoe when it's not on a foot. He wants to learn but he can't see what I'm trying to show him. I do the bunny ears thing. Can anyone suggest any new ideas to me. I don't want to cheat and use the laces that you don't need to tie.




  1. a song to help him memorize???

  2. Try showing him how to tie his shoes by being across from him and tieing your own shoes. When someone is left handed across from a right handed person, they are actually "mirror images" of eachother. I'm left handed and in sports and everything else practically in life.. I've been taught by a right handed person and I found it easier to "imitate" them by shadowing. :) Hope this helps!


  4. I couldnt tie my shoes until I was 10, I never could see what they were doing because their FINGERS WERE IN THE WAY.

    The way I learned was to take a shoe that was tied(off my foot) and slowly untie it so I could see how the bow was tied.I got it on the 2nd lace.

  5. Check out a book store (barnes and nobles') or something like that,  in the kiddy section  I have seen a book with actual laces. Each lace is a different color and it goes through all the steps. My son had it in preschool and it taught all the kids in the class how to tie their shoes. Good luck!

  6. Break it into steps for him.

    1. Cross the laces.

    2. Tuck one under the other and pull.

    3. Make one of the laces a loop.

    4. Wrap the other lace around the loop.

    5. Tuck the lace you wrapped around the loop UNDERNEATH itself.

    6. Pull

    You could also try getting a board or piece of heavy cardboard and making a "shoe" shape. Drill holes to lace and leave them untied to practice on.  I think there may be books like this or shoe boards for tying at bookstores or educators supply stores that you could buy.

    You could also have him practice on a shoe that is not on  his foot until he gets it and then put it on his foot and do it.

    You didn't say how old your child was. Could it be they are too young? Sometimes preschool aged kids just don't get it while others do. Some won't learn to tie until kindergarten or first grade. If your child is way older than that though and not getting it then you really do need to work with teaching this instead of backing off and letting them learn on their own pace and time.

    good luck!

  7. Watch that spongebob episode on youtube

    try to find it

    its about tying shoes

    i think it will help.

  8. The bunny ears thing worked for me I learned it on captain Kangaroo.  It is the simplest way..

  9. if i were you, and had access to video editing software (adobe premiere) for example, i would get someone to film you tying your shoes, then invert it on the computer so its flipped like a mirror.

    or by saying that, tie your shoes in front of a mirror and get your son to follow the example from the mirror or the inverted video on the computer.

    or just google "how to tie shoes" and im sure youl find something =p

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