
Help, how much post op pain should I expect after having gallbladder out? no one told me what to expect.

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I am 2 weeks post op and for the last week keep getting the most horrendous pain that comes and goes in the middle of my torso into my back and on the lefthand side worse than the right, I thought I was having a heart attack earlier today, I am gonna ring the hospital where I had it done in the morning in the hope I can speak to someone that can help,(I had it done at a private hospital as waited so long,courtesy NHS and they gave me a number to ring) and next week will book with my doc, but has anyone else had this? maybe I should be eating less but hardly eat much at all to be honest.




  1. So where are you with this two days later? Do you still have pain? Do you have a temperature? I  developed chronic pain, rapid pulse and a high fever just 7 days after leaving hospital (10 days post-op). I was readmitted with peritonitis and had to spend another 17 days in hospital. Go carefully!

  2. Everyone has a different threshold of pain, but 2 weeks post op you shouldn't be having unbearable pain. If severe pain you described continues today (feels like you're having a heart attack) you should call your doctor and/or go to the ER. There could be something going on inside you like a tear or bleeding. It is normal to have pain because they cut your muscles, etc. and everytime you move it pulls on the incision. Make sure you are holding a pillow tightly to your abdomin any time you cough, sneeze, etc. This will help support you. They should have told you what to expect when you spoke with the doctor prior to surgery. Doesn't sound like a very good private hospital to me. Good luck.

  3. If it's even close to what my hernia surgery post-op pain was like, it will be  as little as a few weeks but could be months or more.

    They used an electric cautery knife to seal the cut blood vessels; that, and the pain from being sliced open and having ab muscles sewn together, etc., left me with an intense burning sensation for over 6 months    along and 'inside' the incision. The pain pills helped the first few days, but made me so 'loopy' that I stopped taking them. After that, it was just a matter of taking it easy and shallow breathing.

    I feel your pain ... may you heal quickly.  

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