
Help, how to heal razor burn quickly?

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My thighs started itching and little bumps began forming. At first I thought something vicious was biting me, and then realize it was just razor burn. -.- (First time.) I guess I understand why it happened... I used a cheap, blunt, and old razor while taking a bath... didn't even apply shaving cream, lotion or aftershave...

Anyways, the itch is driving me crazy and I want to know when it'll be gone. Anyone have any effective at-home treatment I can try?




  1. ASk a doctor. Call them!

  2. Laugh.

    Go get yourself a Venus, they're good for sensitive area's.  And try some lotion perhaps - if you have cheap stuff it'll probably burn.  And I doubt it was just your thigh's.  So goodluck - and don't use a nasty razor.

    Oh, and Aveno makes a nice aloe shaving cream, and a anti razor burn or something along those lines shaving cream also.  Slightly expensive but worth it if it bothers you.

    As for at home, no... not really, if you look on google it says baby rash cream - probably if you have a younger brother, lol.  Or aloe... which one of your neighbors probably has growing in front of their house.

  3. It's gonna be kinda icky, but put a thin layer of vasoline over the area before you go to bed. Then sleep in pajama pants so that the vasoline doesn't get all in your bed. (Gross)

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