
Help, i consistently slice w driver, straight w woods & hybrids, hook w irons. any advice is appreciated.?

by  |  earlier

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im thinking maybe a tendency to swing outside in?




  1. a new hobby?

  2. well slicing and hooking is not caused by an inside out swing. it caused by the opening or closing of the club face when it hits the ball. with driver make sure your wrists come back to where they were when you set up. you can also try setting up for a draw (back foot toes at about the fronts ball)

  3. I also had a bad slice with my driver.  A friend told me that I wasn't swinging on plane.  I was bringing my club head too high on my backswing, so the clubhead path was forced to come from the outside.  Now it feels like my swing is too flat, but it's actually more on plane, and I try to keep my right elbow close to my body (I'm right handed) and now the clubhead path is more from the inside.  My slice is cured (for now).

  4. Is this a matched set? most importantly the shafts?

  5. Had the same problem and stopped using my driver and went with my 3 wood.  I hit the ball just as long but keep it much straighter.  I aslo try and concentrate on keeping my right elbow close to my side on backswing/follow through (I'm a righty) while making sure I come through the ball with my right wrist rolling over my left (squares up the clubface at impact).

  6. Outside in is good.  That will give you a nice draw.  What you need to do is be consistant with all clubs.  You slice because you are standing too far from the ball with your driver and you swing outside in.  Try finishing high with your driver.  It will help you concentrate on keeping your inside out swing.

    Also check your grip.  You may have a stronger grip on your irons than on your other clubs (it is actually pretty common).  You may need to go to a weaker grip on your irons.  If that is not it, then you are probably hitting ball near the heal of the club which will make you pull it.

  7. I used to have a big slice problem.  i talked to a guy at the pro shop and told me that my grip was a little off... make sure u got the proper grip and it will go straight... worked for me    of course u cant rock, and twist ur body too much

  8. Check the diameter on the grip. If you have a bigger grip size than you need it will keep you from getting the face square on impact. This way you compensate but still get a slice. For the irons hooks maybe the compensation for the driver makes you shut the face of your irons.

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